Learning more about eachother

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All day Sunday senses it was still raining they desired to stay home and get to know more about each other. They already knew all the basics things a out each other but they wanted to get to know each other a little better senses they where mates and going to spend the rest of there lives together. They made some plans that next weekend they should invite there family's over. They want to get to know each other's family's. Drolsoir tells emily that he has two brothers and one sister. She tells him that she has three brothers and two sisters. They are both from kinda big family's. Besides talking and planning for there first family get together they where also going though Emily's book. " I can't believe that you look like your annaathinea self from all those years ago. " " yea I know when I first saw that I thought the same thing. " " so how did you find the book in the first place?" " I saw it's location in a series of dreams that I had. I think they where leading me to the same place. " " what place is that?" " My old castle in the under realm. " " really that's cool where is your castle anyway I've Heard the story's of it but I have never been there. " " hear I'll show you. " she goes to there room to go into her trunk and comes back out with a map. She lays out the map and points to where her castle is. " it's still there and still looks like this. " she flips to the pitcher of the castle in her book. " wow it still looks like that?" " yes it dose and there are still a lot of things there. " " how did you get in I thought there was a bunch of spells to keep people out of there?" " will I guess after all these years my castle recognizes me. " " cool so let's go there sometime. " " we can go there with my book this weekend if you want to. "" oh k sweet our frist adventure together. " " yup and we can just stay at our castle the whole weekend so we dont have i come back and forth. " " oh now im even more excited for this weekend."

Time skip
its friday the day they plan on leaving for there castle. They pack there suite cases and a duffel bag and cooler for food. Emily makes a portal that takes them into the castle so they don't have to go far. " wow its so huge." " yes i know and its all ours. " " so lets head inside and get settled. " The castle looks like a mixture of hogworts and castle Dracula. they get inside a massive entry hall. Along the left side of the hall was a massive rolled up trapasty. " hey when we are done getting settled can we unroll this dear?" " sure we can I want to see it myself. " " follow me to our room the food we can drop off in the kitchen. I'll pont out rooms along the way and we have all weekend to explore our big home. " " ok my love lead the way. " they headed down the hall and headed tords there bedroom.  The first door on the left that they came to was the ballroom.  They past the library father up on the right.  A closet. The servant wing where all the staff would stay.  A bathroom and a storage room.  They turned around the first right corner to get to the kitchen.  They put the food away in the kitchen and headed back around the corner so they could head to there room.  They get to a tree way spit in the hallway to the right leads towards the gust wing where the gust stay. In the middle was the throne room. On the left was the family wing is and where other parts like the study and paler. They go to the end of the family wing and up a flight of stairs. When they rich the top emily leads them to the farterst room in the back of the family bedrooms. " hear we are our room at last. " " finally  these bags are getting real heavy. " " I know but now we can put them down and rest a bit. " with that she opened the door and walked in. Drolsoir followed after her and sat his bags down.  He looked around in awe.  "this is our room? It's so much bigger then the one we have at home. " " yes I know that. " she said with a giggle. " your dresser is that one there mines this one closer to our bathroom. " she Pont's out there dresser's. " We each get a night stand and our closest is huge. So is our bathroom it's a lot bigger then at home to. " " I bit. " they make themselves at home then they lay down for a bit. They wake up a few hours later.  They had fallen asleep they where both that tired. They got up and headed for the kitchen and made themselves something to eat. When they got done eating they went back to the Maine Hall and unrolled the massage trapasty.  What they saw made them both look at eachother in shock. " I can't believe this it's us and my brothers and that stupid velvet shadow. " it is us well let me see what it says.  I learned how to speak our native tongue. " she looks at the writing about the picture and below. " it says hear is our unique five rulers of these lands. Annaathinea our Queen and goddess and her four true mates or kings and gods drolsoir, candy pop, morivin, and velvet shadow. All heil the lillylocks and shadows rulers for now and all times. " " wow that's a mouth full. " " I know and if you want I'll teach you how to speck or relearn jester if you want. " ok I'm not happy that I have to share you with my brothers and that stupid velvet but leading from you will be fun. " we can keep this to ourselves for now. I want to be hogged by you for awhile like a year or so after our wedding if it can be helped. " " oh well that sounds like a great idea love. " " thanks. " " your welcome for now let's put it in the Barry back of our closet. " " another good idea. " they carry the trapasty to their room open their closet doors head all the way to the very back and hide it on the bottom nerrow shelf and push it to the vary back.

Emily the strange x drolsoir spiritWhere stories live. Discover now