engagment ring and wedding bells

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five more years have passesd sence emily and drolsior frist met at a small lake in the human world. it was ther fith year andiversery and drolsior wanted to ask emily to become his wife once again. he desided that the best way to ask her was to take her on a romantic picnic. the place that he chose to do so was to take her back to the small river where they frist met in the human world. he knew that taking her there and recate there frist picnic that would most diffently get her to say yes. he knows that he could just come out at any time and at any place to ask her and that she would say yes. he wanted it to be spechial. he made everything that she made for that day. he made some blts, homemade cookies, some cheese cubs that he just bought at the store along with the stawberries and wine. he put everything in the same basket as well. he hid a pure sold gold dubble band ruby ring under the food in a small red velvet box. he knew that she would love it. after he got all of the peperachions all set he went to go find emily. he knew that she was working on translating her book and jurnal so she could re use them so he headed to the study. when he got there he opened the door to see her sitting at her desk writing down the translachions of her book. when she saw him she stoped what she was doing got up and whent over to him and gave him a hug and kiss. " i knew that ill'ed find you in hear ." " oh did you now ." " yep so i was wondering if you would want to take a breake and come with me on a picknic ." " yes of corse i would i mean today is our five year aniversiery after all. so where do you have in mind." " its a serprize wate hear let me go get a couple of things frist then we can go. " " ok sounds like fun." "its going to be lots of fun but for now go set on the coutch and close your eyes ok. " " ok but herry back ok ." " ok i will." he bent down gave her a kiss then went to go get the basket and get something soft to use as a blind fold. the closest thing that he could thank of using for a compftable bland fold was her spare sleep eye mask . he grabed that and whent back to his wife again to be . she was sitting on the couth with her eyes closed and a smile on her face. we walked in the room walked up to her bent down to give her an kiss and to slid the blindfold over her eyes. " hear let me help you up ." he helped her up opend a portal grabed the basket and with his help the both steped though . once though the portal closed behind them . drolsior helped her walk to the vary open spot where they frist met . when they got ther her helped her set down . once she was setting he took off her blindfold off and told her to open her eyes. when she opened her eyes she was in awwh. " oh my god we havent been hear in years . this is where we frist met. oh my i love you so much." hearing those words made his heart skip a beat. he was so happy he knew that he did good and she will say yes. " i know so i figgered that we should come hear i wanted this to be spechile . look i even grabed the same basket that you used to carry the food in. " " oh my god hunny i bet you even made all of the same foods oh how sweet . oh your the best man that a lady can get . " "oh wow your right i did make all the same foods as what you brought that day . there is something eles in the basket to . " " realy there is what is it ?" "close your eyes and i'll show you." with a smile on her face she closed her eyes. he then dug into the basket and grabed the red velvet box from under the food . he then got right in frount of her on both nease gentily grabed her hainds and told her to open her eyes. her eyes sparkiled with love and happeness. "emily my love we have been together for five wonderful years and thousends in the past i love you with all of my beaing will you do me the honnors of becoming my wife again in this life time?" " yes oh my god yes!" she leand forwared and gave him a great big kiss . he placed the ring on her finger and gave her a deep passionet kiss back. they seperited and sat down to eat. as they ate they talked about wedding plans. they decided that they would though both the wedding and recepchion at the castal. they would have no problem with making food and all of that. so with some of the big things out of the way they had to figger out what it was that they wanted to serve to people and who all that they wanted to invite. after some talking while sitting by the river they decided that mabey it should be best to keep it to just family. they know that once they marry and over time as emily marries his brothers and her other known mates that things like them rebecoming kings and queen  will happen. all things will come slowly over time. that's how this is all to play out. they finnaly get cold and deside to pack up and go home and go to bed . they told every one the next mornning at breack fest. everyone and i mean everyone in the house is happy for the news. " finnaly once you guys are married then everything that was once was in the past can come to be yet again . and this time forever. " said evil with a great big grin on his face. " we know thats why i think that we need to let the rest of the family know and have a party." said candycane while jumping up and down in pure joy. " that sounds like a wonderful idea. so lets all split up the task of letting the family know about this ." said emily . with that they all got there list of people and whent off to go make some phone calls. they all meat in the liebarry when  they where all done. from there they made some homemade pizzas and got started on making some wedding plans.

time skip weding day
its holloween the day that emily and drolsior desided to get married has finnaly arived. the castle was alive with people everywhere. emily was in the study getting ready for her big day. her hair was done in a long braide that had dasiys thoughout her hair. her dress was black blue green with gold roses and details.(look at the pic up top) drolsior was in there room getting ready. he wore a more dressy versoin of the colths that he normaly wares. he knew that emily would be fine with that. when he was finished he left the room and headed down to the throne room to wate to marry emily his beautiful wife and his true mate and love of  his life. when emily was finnished getting ready with candycane and maybell's help she made her way to the thone room to become miss spirt again . this was going to be the best day of her life so far. she like the rest of her family knew that starting today a lot of wonderful changes will start to unfold as was writen. when emily got to the thone room door evil gave the signal to start the music. the music celtic by nature started and the door opens and everyone see's emily looking like the beautiful queen that she is. as she starts walking down the aile to the top of the throne steps simantanisty drolsior and emily both start to cry tears of joy. as she gets to the top drolsior takes hold of her hand leands down and says "you look so beautiful my love." " thank you you look vary handsome ." they trune to have slander exchange there vowes then they seal the deal with a soft passinet kiss. they then have everyone go to the ballroom for some food and party time . they had a toco bar , bar bar, and weed bar for gust to enjoy . everyone ate drank smoked and had a amazing time. they parted untill 2:00 in the morning and because they had plenty of room everyone went to there rooms and went to bed. in the morning emily woke drolsor up with a blow job. he moaned awake and with a sleepy moan said" wow this is the best way to start off our marrige your the best wife ever. " " oh i know i am cause you not only get this but you also get sex." " oh that sounds like heaven so what are you wating for hop on." with that emily hoped on him and started to rock back and forth and then bounch up and down . she did that with such in human speed that they could both feel the sensechion of her movements at the same time. then after a while he fliped her over and he started to thrust in her . he did that just as fast if not faster as emily when she was on top. this movement of passion was so strung that they ended up making there own fire aura around them . it grew and shown brighter as they got more and more passinet in there love making. they could feel all the pleaser they where sending though eatch others bodys. they went at it for four hours before they finally became egsosted . when they did they then lade there in bed for the rest of the day enjoying there frist day as husband and wife again . a begining to a hole new chapter of there life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2020 ⏰

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