Exploring the castle

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The next morning after they put away the trapasty emily let's drolsoir know that she called her boss and told him that she was taking her next two week vacation now. That made him so happy. They spend the morning in the library with her book and looking for other books that would help them peace this together. They found a book that told more about there Castle. There castle was built when the realm was first founded. " wow our home has been around for a long time huh em?" It has and so have we ." " yup we have but why don't we remmber this place or being with each other or why anyone in our familys remember anything about this." " mabey there was a spell put on us so that we would forget." " why would someone do something like that to use for?" " I don't know but annaathinea did have a journal so maybe if we find the journal we might be able to find out. " " ok so where should we start looking for it then?" " how about our room. " " why do you think it would be in our room?" " because it's sopost to be kept secret that's why. It was my private thoughts after all. If you had a journal wouldn't you like to keep it in a place that nobody would look?" " ok I see that dose make sense now that you put it that way. " so they grabs Emily's book and leave the library and head to their room. They looked in the closest and found nothing. They then checked the shelves again nothing. Emily even checked her dresser and thats when she found a secret drower. She opend it and there was a journal. " hey hun look i found it." Em said as she waived The book in the air." Cool so we can use it to see why we lost our memory's. " " yup i can't wate to see what is in hear. Mabey this can help us learn about each other. " " let's hope so ." they sat down on they bed and opened the journal. baineann an leabhar seo le annaathina.

Tá iontráil frist lá atá inniu ann chomh leadránach sin go bhfuil ár gcaisleán inár réimse féin fós sa chonsalacht. ní fhéadfainn é a dhéanamh. ní féidir le mo chomhghleacaithe ithe. Is breá liom na ceithre cinn acu. máthairín, drólóir, candypop agus scáth velevet. ceathrar comhghleacaí le haghaidh banríon amháin agus bandia na deamhain giaraí. Is breá liom conas atá saol nua cosúil le saol an duine in Éirinn. go maith bianna a dhéantar ionas go mbeidh siad ag dul a ithe. Emily translates what is said. " hum sounds like this is going to take some time to do." " yes it is but its going to be fun and time comusming. "Well at least it will give us something to do besides exploring." " that's true so do want to read more or get some launch? " " yes let's have some pizza. " so they went and made a pizza. When the food was done they headed to the study. They turned if into a mic shift living room. They ate rolled some blunts and decided to check out some of the castle grounds. They went into the massive barn closest to the castle. It had stills for horses on both sides and a giant hay loft. " to bad there is no hay up their for us to roll around in. " drolsoir said in a seductive tone. Emily let out a small giggle. " we can still go have some fun up their if you want. I always wanted to have sex in a barn. " " oh well then let's go then. " they go up to the loft and find one small pile of hay that was left behind. Drolsoir picked her up and carried her to the hay. He gently laid her down and took of her clothes then his. He got them where he wanted them then he lent down and gave her a kiss. As he kissed her he trust himself in her in in human speeds sending waves of pleasure though her entire body. She went out a lot mone. " harder harder oh yes yes this feel's so good you make me tumble. " " good that means I'm satisfying you're needs my love. " with that he flipped over so she was on top. She rolled him as fast and hard as she could. He let out loud moans of pleasure. He messaged her breasts as she bounced and rocked up and down on his hard penis. After awhile he turned her over so they where in doggy style. He trust in her until they both came. After he came inside her he pulled out and laid down next to her so they could catch their breath. " that was amazing. " " thanks. " they laid there for a few moments and then got dressed and went back down. " hey look we have a pound in our beard lets go let on that bench and smoke. " " ok lets go. " they go to the bench set down and smoke the first blunt in silence. They started to smoke the second one but it started to rain so they ran inside. They finished smoking in the study and just watched some TV on ems computer. They plan on using there magic to modernize the castle and yet keep it looking how it always has.


Baineann an leabhar seo le annaathinea

This book belongs to annaathinea

Ta iontrail first la ata innu ann chomh leadranch sin go bhfuil ar gcaislean inar reimse fein fos sa chonsalacht.  Ni feidir le  mo chomhgleacaithe  ithe.  Is brea liom na ceithre cinn acu. Mathairin, droloir, candypop, agus scath velvet. Ceathrar comhghleacai le haghaidh banrion amhain agus bandia na deamhain giarai. Is brea liom conas ata saol nua cosuil le saol an duine in eirnn. Go maith bianna a dheantar ionas go mbeidh siad ag dul a ithe.

First entry today is so boring our castle in our own realm is still in consuctchen. I can't water for it to be done.  My mates can't eather.  I lay ve all four of them.  Morivin, droloir, candypop and velvet shadow. Four mates for one Queen and goddess of the jester demons. I love how are new home looks like the human worlds Ireland. Well foods done so I'm going to eat.

I'm going to add some parts in Irish and translate it so you guys can know what's being said.

Emily the strange x drolsoir spiritWhere stories live. Discover now