Author Note and Characters

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HEEY EVERYBODY (who is reading this!) 👋

So... This is my first EVER story I started to write 6 years ago! I guess I've been a little nervous to lay it out here for every one to see, but now I'm gonna do it! 😬

Well, there probably is some really cringe/weird moments or scenarios, but you gotta deal with it... it just reflect the author 🙄

Before you start reading it, I will present the characters through some collages... but enjoy afterwards! 


Tessie Johnsen 

Tessie Johnsen 

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Ann Gartner

William Olsen

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William Olsen

William Olsen

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Alex McCurry

Harry Mitchell

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Harry Mitchell

Harry Mitchell

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Jacob Bennett

Louis Mendez 

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Louis Mendez 

Louis Mendez 

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