Chapter 3

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        My head whipped to the other side of the room, where I was ninety percent sure that the screaming had come from. It as though I was right, judging by the look on Grover's face, which was terrified. He got up and out of bed ran over to me and just hugged me. I hate hugging, so automatically this became awkward.

        When finally released me, he asked one question. "If you ever see that man again, either in your dreams or in reality, will you please tell me?" I was so confused. How did Grover know? But just to reassure him, I nodded. Then he went into the bathroom to take a shower.

        I rolled over on my bed, 6:00am. I was hoping for 5:00am, ugh, I hate sleeping in. When Grover walked out the bathroom I walked in and took a shower. When we were both fully dressed, I got my bag ready and looked over my schedule. This week in every class, we were going to get to know each other before starting any lessons. I hate getting to know people.

        For breakfast we had pancakes, waffles, cereal and fruit. After we set off to our first classes. Latin/Greek was mine, Grover and Nancy's first class. Nancy somehow, conceived this plan that all three of were going to sit with each other in every class, in the front. I hate sitting in the front. So I said we either sit in the back, or I'm not sitting with them.

        It all failed when it turned out, our Latin/Greek teacher, Mr. brunner, had made seating arrangements. I ended up in the middle row next to Grover and some chic named Amaris. He, made us right our names on a piece of paper then took the papers and put them in a bag. "When I pick out your name, tell us your favourite song."

        Apparently, each class, we are going to be answering a question about ourselves, each class is a different question. Should I lie, or leave them confused? Confused. The first name called was Grover. "Nobody's perfect by Hannah Montana." If I didn't share a room with the guy, I probably would have been on the floor laughing.

        Mr. Brunner then called my name. I thought for a second, then answered. "Go to hell, for heaven's sake by bring me the horizon." after we went through the class, Mr. Brunner, had write our favourite lines from the song that we had said, or another one that we like.

        I wrote some lyrics for Happy Violentines day. Here are some of my lyrics: "All I see is how much I hate you when you breathe/ You got blood on my favourite shirt, fuck you bitch I'll make you hurt/ You got what you deserved, your spot in hell just got reserved."

        I didn't realize he was collecting until he asked Nancy to collect them. When he got them back, he read some out loud, he seemed to be only reading on from each paper, when he reached mine, he took a minute, then smiled and read the first one. Nancy looked straight at me from the front seat, she recognized it.

        The bell rang, and we all ran out, Mr. brunner, tried to get my attention, over the noise, I ignored him and acted as if I had heard nothing. He was going to make me stay after class and trust me, That was not going happen. Our next class to go and find, was math.

        When we walked in, she was sitting at the back table, papers scattered around her. When She saw me and Nancy walk in, she smiled. "Pick your seats and we'll get started." Two minutes of pure chaos flew by so slow, it was like being one of those guys who walk away from an explosion all cool look..

        After the pushing and fighting, I sat next to Amaris and Nancy, fourth row from the front. The math teacher, Mrs. Dodds, handed out sheets with two questions on it. The first question was; "What is your favourite colour?" Seriously? our favourite colour? They couldn't come up with something less stupid? This week is going to be boring as hell. I hate things that are boring as hell.

        Just to get my point across, i used my thickest black, permanent marker to write black. The next question asked why we like that colour. I wrote my answer in cursive. I likeblack because it is the colour that symbolizesevil, death and hate. Emphasis on that last one.

        After she collected the sheets, she told us each unit in math that we were going to learn, and gave us a sheet in order from august to may of the units. When the bell rang we headed off to English.

        Our english teacher did the same thing that Mrs. Dodds did, with the sheet. The first question was, What is your favourite book? I decided to be honest with this one. Fifty shades of grey. When it asked why, I wrote my reason being that it's sexual. He basically did the same thing as Mrs. Dodds.

        For the rest of the morning, it went the same way when the lunch bell rang, I ended up sitting with Nancy who wanted to know all of my answers. "Favourite colour?' "Black." "Favourite book?" "Fifty shades of grey." Favourite beverage?" "Coffee." Favourite subject?" "P.E." "Favourite food?" "Skittles."

        After lunch they gave us an hour relax time before classes again. I drew in my art book the entire time, working on Evanescence. Then got ready for the rest of the day to drag on.

        When dinner finally came, Nancy was dying to the rest of my answers. "Favourite movie?" "Million ways to die in the west." "Favourite band?" "Blood On The Dance Floor." "Name of your best friend?" "Don't have one" "what do you want to be when you grow up?" "Emo rock singer."

        When we finish, we head off to our dorms. Tonight Grover is intent on talking to me. "I think Mr. brunner wanted to speak to you after class." I didn't roll my eyes, only because he was staring at my face. "I didn't notice." Reply, hoping like it sounded as though I wanted to, and not with sarcasm, like I would've done. With that being said, he shut up and left me be.

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