Chapter 4

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        I pulled on my pjama's and right before I fell asleep, grover reminded me of what said this morning. I nodded but knew, I am not going to tell him anything. Why should be his buisness. False tiredness tricked me as I tried desperatly to sleep. When I finally did, I was in the lounge again, except, it was crowded.

        When everyone noticed me, they all scream and shouted my name like I was some hero. The man was sitting on the couch smiling. He patted at the same spot as last night. The crowd took notice right away and gave me a path to the couch.

        When I sat down, the man wraped his arm around my shoulders and hugged me. Then he whispered to me. "All these kids, have joined me and have become what they always wanted to become, now I give The same offer to you, Percy. In hopes that you consider it, fight with me and become what you have always wanted to become." Even though I was slightly confused, I still considered his offer, and all the cheering helped.

        "It's time we fix the past don't you think?" He whispered in my ear while taking both of my hands in his. "What's your name?" I asked him. "Kronos." He answered and I nodded. He  flipped my hands over on the vein side and rubbed my scars softly. They began to tingle, and tingled they did until he stopped.

         When I looked at them, I saw that they were gone. I smiled and said yes. The crowd knowing what I meant, yelled and cheered more loudly. I smiled as I felt my self waking up, to blissful silence.

        I rolled over my bed, blinking the drowsiness out of my eyes as I read the clock. A little after five in the morning. I commenced in my morning routine and listened another one of my favourite bands, 5 seconds of summer. I relaxed on my bed for an eternity untill I decided to grab my sketch book and draw some anime.

        Not long after, Grover woke up and did his routine and just wrote in what looked like a diary. We recieved a knock on our door at eight. Grover, who called dibs on the bed closest to the door answered the door to find Mrs. Dodds. "Good morning boys, time for breakfast." She expressed with softness, staring at me the entire time. Then she left and we headed out for breakfast.

        When we were out of ear shot of Mrs. Dodds, Grover whispered in my ear, though he was barely audible; "If she stares at you again like that, let me know." Twice he's said something like that. "What's up with you Grover? First it was that guy in my dream, which only the gods know how you knew, and now this!" Grover kept teling me to keep it quite and to keep my voice down, like if someone heard us, they would give us trouble.

        I hate being shushed. Grover whispered again to me. " That guy, all I am going to say is that he's bad, and has given me and the people I help a big problem and it's been getting worse. When the time is right, I'll explain further. As for Mrs. Dodds, I am ninty-five percent sure that she works for him. Also, listen to Mr. Brunner."

        That last one caught me by suprise. "Mr. Brunner?" I asked him and he nodded. "Look, If he wants to talk to me, then he better come up with a better time to talk, not after class. That brings attention and I hate attention" He just blankly stared at me, like he was staring into an empty abyss.

         "So you did notice him when he tried to get your attention?" I nodded as he shook his head disaprovingly. "Alright, I'll make sure he knows to talk to you in private, but not after class." I still really didn't get what was going on but I nodded anyway.

        Then just as we were about to walk the last little bit of distance, he stopped and turned towards me. "That reminds me; did that man ever come back to you in your dreams." That reminds me of something as well, he never answered my question about how he knew. "I don/t know how you knew he had come the first time, but whatever you did, your going to have to do that again."

        Then I did something that suprised both Him and me. I ran from him, towards the cafeteria. When I enetered, I ran straight to Nancy, the only other person I know here. When I sat next to her, she gave me a questioning look. "Wheres Grover?" I looked at her straight in the eye. " I don't know, and honestly, I don't care."

        She nodded, she been really good at telling when I can handle questioning, and when I can't. We ate in comfortable silence, untill Grover walked in, looking nervous as hell. I gave him a death stare as he walked to the empty table in the back.

        A brunnette walked over to our table, clutching books to her chest, and sat down with me and Nancy. She looked like a bookworm jumped right out of the pages of my Anime. She smiled at me. "Hi, I'm Arisa! what's your name." "Percy." I answer and shake the hand she had extended towards me. "I came late, but my gaurdian still made sure I was here. I hope you guys meet him on parents meet teachers night tomorrow." whoa, whoa what? "do everyones arents have to come?" I ask and am given a head shake. Students choice." My heart paced slowed. No way Jules and Rob were coming here.

        Arisa set her books down, looking as if she was about to talk for an eternity. "Let's see how much we are in common." she excites. ugh, I hate being in common with people. "Just nod you you have heard of something, ok?" Me and Nacy agree and she fills us with questions.

        "Blood on the Dance Floor? (nod) Bring Me the Horizon? (nod) steve Jablosky?(no.) 5 Seconds of Summer? (nod) BvB (nod) Bastille? (nod) one republic? (nod) Amulet? (nod) Anime? (nod) and... Creepypasta?(nod)"

        "Me and Percy have lots in common!" She exclaims as I stare her down. "Your not even scene." I remark and she smiles. "No, I'm goth, But my gaurdian told me not to dress like it, people would stare. Trust me, I hate staring."

        I have a question myself. "Do you hate basicly everything?" I aske and she smiles and nods. I might actually like this chic. "I'm in 6a. do you guys know who's in my class." Nancy decides to answer this time. "We are, and we have Math first period, just follow me and Percy." she says and I nod, then add; "I will introduce you to the teacher, she likes me for some odd reason." I say as we walk out, to grab our bags and head to class.

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