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this picture of laston kicks me right in the feels. 


The next day in English, our teacher was going on about the different forms of writing. Pros, narrative, poetry ect. It was all very boring until a student worker from the office barges in holding an elaborate bouquet of roses. "Excuse me. I just was told to deliver these to Scarlett Parker. My jaw drops as a few others enter carrying more bouquets.

            "Scarlett, I know you're out there listening. Here's my number," Ashton rattles off a bunch of numbers over the PA system. From his new spot next to me, I see Luke's facial expression change to that of anger? The commotion dies down, and the teacher resumes, though my focus is anywhere but English class.

            "That was quite the gesture this morning." Luke comments as we sit in the library trying to understand Shakespeare.

            "Yea." I shrug, as I know it's not a big deal. It's all just part of the plan.

            "Well since you seem to be one of the only other people in this school with any sort of music taste at all, I uh made you this." With his large hands he slides a CD case towards me. We had talked about music a few times, after the day we ran into each other. "I know it's not a bunch of flowers, but yea."

            "No way. This is great. Thanks, Luke." I smile as I slide the disk into my bag, with full intent on listening to it before I go to bed.

            "Luke!" A male with bright red hair works his way over to us.

            "Hey. Michel, this is Scarlett. This is my friend Michael."

            "What's up." He nods his head in my direction. "So you ready to go? I thought we had plans." Luke looks at me as if to ask if we're done.

            "Yea, go. My brain is fried from these pros anyway."

            "See you around." His smile lights up his face, creating a dimple in one cheek.



            "You do know that's the girl your brother is trying to get with, right?" Michael harshly whispers to me on the way out of school.

            "Yes I do. But Scarlett is different. She won't fall for Ashton's shit."

            "I hope for your sake that she doesn't."

            "What is that supposed to mean?" I slide into the passenger side of Michael's car.

            "It means I can tell you like her."

            "You're crazy. We're just friends."

            "Whatever you say." Michael shakes his head at me, putting the car into gear.

Michael left a little while before there was a knock on my door, which I barley heard through my headphones. "Hey," I greet my polar opposite step brother.

            "You know Scarlett right? Like you talk to her?" Ashton sits himself across from me on the edge of my bed. It's been a few years and I'm still not used to my life. I went from it being just me and mom with hardly anything, to this enormous bedroom in a gigantic house with a brother and a "father figure."

            "Yea, we are partners for an English assignment."

            "What's her deal?"

            "I really don't think she's your type." I scoff and turn around in the swivel chair at my desk.

            "Dude, girl is my type."

            "Ok, then maybe you're not her type. She's into rock bands, and indie music. She reads novels. She's deep."

            "I'm deep. I'm dating the poetry club!" I don't even bother turning around, signaling that our conversation is clearly over.

sorry this is so short, and probs sucks. I meant to write more but i got into a car accident this weekend so i'm dealing with that. But i just really wanted to update for you guys.

it really means lot when you guys vote and comment, so keep em coming! :) xo -Rachel 

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