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pic of ash bc it's goofy and adorable :) 


Luke avoided me at all costs the rest of the week. I don't blame him. I still feel terrible for what I didn, but if I want to keep my friends, it had to be done. As for the plan against Ashton, I think he really has changed. I'm not even sure the plan is worth it anymore. On the bus ride to the away game I sit next to Stella.

        "So after the game, the girls and I have something to show you." I try to ignore the slight sick feeling in my stomach, with a pang of jealousy. Clearly they had been doing things without me. 

        "What is it about?"

        "Just the plan." She shrugs her shoulders, as if it's nothing. I hope it is. 

We win the game, the winning goal coming from Calum late in the second half. The teams runs off the field carrying him on their shoulders. Back in mine and Stella's shared hotel room I quickly changed from my cheer uniform, which is still feel highly uncomfortable in. Figuring I should keep it simple, black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and red flannel are what i throw on. Stella isn't back from wherever she disappeared to so I text Ashton I'm ready whenever he is. 

        "Hi," his warm smile greets me minutes later on the other side of my door. His tank top that is showing off his large biceps looks like someone put it through a shredder, but somehow he manages to make it cool. We make our way down to the bowling alley attached to the hotel hand in hand. As we walk through a crowd of our peers so many people are saying hi to me.

        "People actually know my name?" I am in shock when we get to our lane that we're sharing with Calum and another girl. 

        "Well yea. You're with me now." Ashton grabs a bowling ball off the rack, holding it in the air by his head he makes the most ridiculous face, "Ready to bowl?" A giggle escapes my lips, at his antics. Calum is punching in everyone's name. I am slotted between him and Ashton with the other girl, Molly, going last. After the first round my stomach hurts from laughing too much. I can feel myself falling harder for Ashton. "Do you want to get out of here?" I end up losing my words and just nodding in response. 

Ashton's room is laid out the same as mine and Stella's but messier. Him and Calum have clothes thrown everywhere muddled together with soccer gear. Turning me to face him, Ashton takes both my hands in his. Our bodies, pressed together, airtight. "I really like you Scar." 

        "I really like you too, Ashton." The words flow from my lips, and once they're out i realize the veracity of them. Some how along this twisted path, I fell for him. The one thing I was warned not to do.The feeling of his lips on mine cloud my thoughts. Hands on my hips lift me effortlessly over to the bed. My hands tug at the curly hair on the back of his head, a deep, throaty moan emits from his lips. I tug his shirt over his head, breaking our lips apart for a second to take in his toned body. The rest of our clothes follow and soon he is thrusting into me. Pleasure takes over my body making me moan, "Luke!"

wow. i'm literally satan. Why did i even write this story in the first place? I'm like torturing myself choosing between Lashton.

My bad. lol 

sooo, how do you think Ashton will react to her yelling the wrong name in bed?

you know the drill, vote/comment! xo -Rachel  

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