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Finally for once I wasn't wearing a cheer uniform at school. It felt good. People were still staring at me as I walked through the halls. I figured everyone had heard about Ashton by now. I was back on the outside again, almost invisible. My locker creaked and clanged when I opened it, reluctantly I grabbed my English books and headed to class.

I could tell Luke was trying not to look at me, as I was trying not to look at him. Things got even worse when I fled from class and bumped into Ashton. Literally.
        "What the hell? Watch where you're- oh" he stops scolding when he sees its me on the ground with my books thrown everywhere.
        "Sorry." I mumble picking myself up along with my belongings.
        "Here," his long arm extends to hand me my notebook. "I'm sorry for the way I reacted. I know my anger can be a bit scary sometimes." I am taken aback by his apology.
       "Why are you sorry? I was the one that you know." I implied not wanting to speak what happened out loud. "I'm sorry. I never meant to lead you on, and I never meant to fall for both of you."
        "I get it. You can't help who you fall for right?" He gives me a half smile and I nod.

Just when I thought things were on the mend the pep rally happened. The soccer team made it to the state final so the school was holding a rally for them the Friday before the game. Of course, being the team captain Ashton was running the rally getting everyone pumped up. "Alright the cheerleaders have put together a video!" Stella saunters past Ashton to push the play button on the projector. A highlight reel of their games rolls by, but is interrupted by a shot of Ashton and I leaning against his car talking and kissing. On stage Ashton whips his head around to find me in the crowd, when he does his panicked expression is mirrored on my face. A few more recordings of us together before it cuts to me, Stella , Blake and Charlotte in the media room. "Ashton Irwin," my voice and face fill the screen. "There is only one guy out there for me, and you are not him!"

I rush up to the stage and turn it off before it gets further. "So this was all some game to you?" He roars completely ignoring the fact we are in front of the entire school.
        "We wanted to show you what it was like." I gesture to the three girls on the side of the stage. "But I never meant for it to get this far."                                 
        "But it was all a lie?"
        "At first but then I got to know you and I-"
        "You what? Fell for me? Then fell for my brother? This is why I am the way I am. I lie so I don't get hurt."

:( so yea. More shit is hitting the fan.
Only two more chapters.
Comment what shit you are.

I am Laston af (obviously) or Cake :) xo -Rachel

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