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fetus lashton as brothers bonding over music. (makes more sense later in the chaper!) 


When I walk into English class I take my usual seat next to Luke, praying things won't be awkward after this weekend.

     "Hey," his eyes barely flick to mine.

     "Hi," before I can say anything else our teacher starts class.

     "Now remember you have a few more days to go over your scene before you present it to the class. Pairs will start going on Friday! I'll put up the list of who is  going when before the end of class."

     "Do you think we should go over our scene one more time?" I ask Luke on the way out of class. We aren't going until Monday, thank god.

     "Sure. I uh actually was going to ask if you still wanted to  go to the Marianas Trench concert on Friday?" He nervously scratches the back of his neck, causing his dark tshirt to ride up exposing some of his toned stomach.

     "Um yea. That sounds great." 

     "What sounds great?" Ashton materializes behind me, seemingly out of nowhere, slinging his arm around my shoulders. I watch Luke's eyes widen for a second in shock.

     "Just getting together to work on our project." I smile sweetly at the curly haired boy while lying through my teeth.

     "Alright. You ready to go eat lunch?" I nod and give a small wave to Luke.

     "So what damage are we doing this weekend?" Blake sits on my bad later that night.

     "I uh can't. I'm busy." I lie again. Something that seems to be becoming a habit of mine.

     "With what?" Charlotte scoffs.

      "I'm spending the weekend with my mom. Since I've barley seen her and the next weekend is the away game. Can't we just do something then?" I protest. This game is consuming my life. I know I wanted to be somebody, but I'm not sure if this is the way to do it. Maybe my mom was right.

     "Fine. But that's the weekend we do some damage." Stella says, poison laced in her words. Funny, I have a feeling that the only thing going to get damaged is me.


The weekend is coming too slowly and Thursday night I can't sleep. I don't know why I'm so nervous, maybe it's because I'm going out with a girl whose dating my brother. And he would kill me if he knew I have feelings for her. Or maybe it's simply the effect Scarlett has on me. I trudge down to the kitchen to find a midnight snack and am surprised to see Ashton sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal.

     "Hey, man. Can't sleep either?"

     "Nah. Too much on my mind." I shrug and turn to the cupboard to grab a bowl and pour myself some frosted flakes.

     "What about?" Ashton wonders. We used to be close when our parents first got married. Hung out, even tried to start a band. But then things changed. Ashton started to resent me more when his dad started paying more attention to me to please my mom. Not that I wanted the attention. I was content sitting in my room playing guitar and listening to music.

     "Oh its nothing. Why are you up?"

     "Just hungry." He shrugs shoving more cereal in his mouth. "So why don't you date? I hardly see you with any girls." I wanted to laugh and make some snarky comment on how it's because he's involved with them all, but I held back.

     "I actually am kinda going out with someone tomorrow."

     "Good for you, dude." I finish my cereal and put my bowl in the sink.

     "Hey," stop part way up the stairs. "I hope you're not playing Scarlett. She's special, ok?"

so yea. real talk between ash and lukey. 

anyone hardcore ship sashton? or suke?

not going to tell you who is ship, cause that would give it away ;)

luke and scarlett's 'date' (it's kinda a date but not really.) and project are coming up. Thoughts on what will happen? 

please keep voting and commenting! xo -Rachel

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