Chapter 2

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“Shh...Addy, come on, you're going to throw up if you don't stop crying like this.” Her caramel hand was on my bare arm, rubbing it and slowly helped me to my feet, which was awkward with our height difference, opening the door and helping me in. I felt it recline back, and I was soon in the back seat, still heaving with heavy sobs. My lungs hurt, and it felt like they were going to give out. The ride back to my apartment was a complete, blurry mess, and Skylar and her tiny stature somehow got me up to my room, unlocked the door and helped me to my bed.

She pulled off my sandals and pulled back the covers, which I pathetically rolled under, burying my face in the lavender pillow cases. “Addy..” Her voice cooed again, letting my hair loose from the ponytail and combing it with her fingers. Somehow, it managed to make me feel worse and better. I didn't even think that was possible. Her weight settles down on the downy pillow top that covers the bed, I can't see her, but I know she's sitting Indian-style, leaned over me and deciding whether to punch him when he gets in. I manage to sit up some, supporting myself on shaking arms and look over to her. I just know I look like shit. Smeared mascara and eyeliner, eye shadow that's probably just as wrecked, and swollen, puffy eyes.

I look down and see that at some point between me getting into my bed and taking off my sandals, she has taken the extra mile and put a bucket on the side of my bed. Either my body waited, or the mere sight of the trash can made me, but everything I've eaten comes back up as I retch into the plastic bucket. Vodka and chocolate ice cream really do not taste good coming up. “It's okay..” I hear her soft voice between the pukes, and when I'm done, she takes the bucket while I roll on my back and stare at the ceiling. I hear the sink running and the sound of the scrub brush on it. She comes back and sets it down. “Thanks..”

“Hey, you've taken care of me plenty of times when I was drunk. I think it's only right I return the favor when you're sober so you can remember.” I give a weak chuckle and roll over, facing the opposite wall. “Oh, Addy, I'm sorry.” Her voice drops again to that pitying tone.

“How long do you think it's been going on.”

“Don't think like that.”
“How many times do you think they slept together.”
“Addy.” Her voice is more stern this time.

“Do you think he told her loved her.” There's a quick clamber, and she's in front of me, her fiery eyes on my hazel ones. “Listen here, you stop that. You're going to drive yourself crazy with those thoughts.”


“I swear to god, if the next words out of your mouth aren't: 'Skylar, I would really appreciate it if you kicked that douche in the balls,' I don't want to hear it.”

I shut my mouth and we just stayed like that. Staring at each other for what seemed like an eternity while I pawed at the lavender sheets.

My crying had calmed down to a hiccuping that hurt every time I breathed. My best friend looked at the clock, and she moved to get up, but I latched out and grabbed her hand. “Can you please...please stay here for the night.”

“Like you used to do for me when we were teenagers.” I nod my head as best I can with it half buried in the pillow case. “Yeah, sure. Just let me take your phone.” I almost want to ask if she's going to call him, but I was stuck between somewhere of not caring and not feeling. After there's several taps on the phone, she throws it down to the end of the bed and snuggles up on the other side of the bed.

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