chapter twelve

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Prime walked into Griddy's Doughnuts as it was empty with no customers—She went over to the booth at the end and waited for her contact to arrive

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Prime walked into Griddy's Doughnuts as it was empty with no customers—She went over to the booth at the end and waited for her contact to arrive. Her contact wanted to meet a little later since she was behind her schedule, so it was late in the evening when Prime arrived.

The waitress walked over and smiled," Is there anything I can get you?"

"Just coffee, black, thank you," Prime said as the waitress nodded walking away. She then leaned on the table heard the door open and saw her contact walk in. Kay was wearing the usual shades and black mask to cover herself.

"P, it's good to see you," She said as she slid into the booth.

"I'd say the same, but I never have seen your face" Prime teased as she scoffed at her.

"Right, let's get to business, Klaus...— the last report my people have on him, was returning home last night, we don't have anything on him leaving"

Prime groaned, "So, that means—he probably got taken"

"Really? Aren't you guys like superheroes?"

Prime shook her head," Klaus's powers are different, unlike my other siblings, he was not the fighting type. He could defend himself, but definitely not from those who broke into our house. They held off all of us—they were not your average robbers"

"You said blue suits, right?" She asked and Prime nodded

"Well, according to my boss, we had a few reports on someone seeing these two people who have been causing a lot of trouble—the shoot out at that clothing store—and the death of that tow trucker male, heard of it?" Prime closed her eyes groaning remembering Five telling her a little about the clothing store when he went there to retrieve Delores.

"I heard of the clothing store one, any idea who these people are?" Prime inquired

"We don't know them, never heard of them, just about maybe 3 to 4 days ago, was when they suddenly popped up"

Prime sighed "The thing is, they are looking for one of my other brothers, so they could have taken Klaus hostage"

"I can connect you to someone in the force, you know of her, Patch" Prime looked at her shocked


"Yeah, the one who used to date your brother Diego, Dez, told me"

"I thought you guys don't work together? Dez was my contact to watch Diego, how did you—

"We all connect with the same boss"

"Ah, so I'm guessing you know about Ave and Vic?"

"Yep, the one that watches that celebrity sister and violinist sister"

Prime sighed, Her father was the one who introduced them. They were all from different backgrounds, but in the end, they were basically, another group that Reginald likes to keep. "How can Patch help me? She is all about the rules" Prime asked

✓ | NO NUMBER, ben hargreeves (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now