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*knock knock knock*

Annie and Mikasa froze in place and stared at each other not daring to move a muscle. Both girls were nude with the blonde on top of the other girl, both hands on her hips.

“Mikasa dear, it’s 5:30 I need you to start getting ready for tonight okay?” a gentle voice came from the other side.

Mikasa took a big breath and spoke as calmly as she could. “Y-yea mom I’ll do that right now then I’ll be down to help”

They waited about ten seconds after hearing the footsteps get quieter, indicating that her mother had left. Annie sighed and sat up while starting to look for her clothes.

“Your mom is such a cock block”

“I’m sorry, it was my fault for not keeping track of the time” Mikasa apologized while putting back on her underwear and shirt.
Annie redressed herself and looked at Mikasa who was sitting on the bed. She looked so innocent but the blonde knew she was the farthest thing from, in fact, she knew the dark haired girl better than anyone, even her own parents. Nobody deserved this girl, hell she doesn’t even deserve her but she would never tell Mikasa that otherwise she would get scolded for “putting herself down.”

“What are you staring at?” Mikasa asked with a childlike voice

Annie frowned and turned around to grab her hoodie that was on the other side of Mikasa’s room. “Why are you talking like that? You know you don’t have to pretend around me.”

“Sorry I was trying to get into character for tonight. You know how it is.” Mikasa stood and walked towards her window that faced the backyard.

Mikasa has always put on a facade to her parents and the public. She had to keep a good image, otherwise, they would think she was not good, her future would fail, and they would give up on her. So she pretended to be this perfect girl with perfect grades, perfect attitude, and be a perfect daughter like everyone wanted. They all bought it too, Annie and a few of Mikasa’s friends are the only ones who knew of her true personality.

“Yea I know, I’m just tired of this routine” Annie zips up her black hoodie and ties her biker boots.

Mikasa watches with a concerned look as Annie trudges over to her, she holds the blondes face gently and kisses her lips but not receiving much effort in return. She pulls away and tries to look Annie in the eyes but the blonde keeps them down looking to the side.

“Annie please look at me, I’m sorry it has to be this way but you know what will happen if I break this image… it will crush them.”

“That’s always your excuse. I understand you can’t come out to them, if I came out to my dad he’d beat the crap outta me but at least I don’t have to pretend I’m a completely different person.”

The two looked at each other for a few seconds then Annie moves up on her toes and gives Mikasa a quick peck on the lips. She then pulls her hood up and climbs out of Mikasa’s bedroom window jumping onto the tree branch next to it.

“I’ll see you at school tomorrow…,” Annie said as she starts to climb down and makes her way into the neighbor's yard so she won’t be seen by Mikasa’s parents.

Mikasa watches Annie until she’s out of sight then sighs heavily, walking into her bathroom to take a shower. She knows Annie is upset with her but it’s not like she can suddenly stop being this perfect girl her parents always wanted her to be, that would disappoint them and she would hate herself for making them feel that way.
She steps into the shower and lets the warm water, fall down her skin, she knows that she’ll have to make it up to the blonde somehow tomorrow.

Mikasa and Annie have been dating for almost two years, they met at a skating park when they were sixteen.


Mikasa snuck out that night to hang out with her friends Sasha and Ymir from her old school, her parents had her transfer to a different school her sophomore year because they thought the kids were a bad influence so every now and then she would go off and hang out with the two without her parents knowing. It was there she saw Annie riding her skateboard up and down the ramps, she wore a black jersey with a sports bra underneath and light blue ripped skinny jeans with Nike high tops, the very sight of that girl with her small but toned body was enough to make Mikasa a little weak in the knees. She definitely wanted this girl. Once Annie had finished and walked back towards her friends she felt a pair of eyes on her, Mikasa was obviously checking her out and didn’t make an effort to try and play it off. The blonde turned around making eye contact with the dark-haired girl. It wasn’t like love at first sight with all the butterflies and angel choir in the background, it was more intense. There was a strong desire radiating off the two of them. Annie looked at Mikasa intensely as if she was sending her a silent signal then walked off towards a less crowded area by the dumpsters. It didn’t take long for Mikasa to pick up on what the girl was trying to say, she waited a minute or two before telling Sasha she’ll be right back and walked off in the direction the blonde went making sure she wasn’t noticed.

You could imagine that the two hit it off pretty quickly. It was a quick introduction of names and then about a five minute make out but before it could any further they were interrupted by Annie’s phone ringing. They exchanged numbers with the intent of meeting up again next weekend, however, they weren’t expecting to run into each other at school the next day. Mikasa wore a white sundress with a pink sweater and flats, completely different from her raggedy blue flannel and black worned out jeans with converse and a leather jacket from the night before. Mikasa not wanting to break her “image” walked away quickly and ignored Annie for the rest of the day, even her constant texts asking why she freaked out. Eventually, Annie corned the girl confronting her on what was going on, Mikasa confessed and told her everything but the blonde wasn’t upset, she respected Mikasa’s decision and asked if she wanted to be friends. This later led to Annie sneaking over to Mikasa’s house late at night where they would talk about anything and everything becoming closer. After about three months the girls couldn’t keep themselves away from each other, Mikasa would sneak away during lunch to meet up with Annie where they couldn’t be seen and they would go out late at night to go to parties or just hang out in an abandoned warehouse that Annie and her friends would usually kick back at. Neither of them asked the other to be their girlfriend it just sort of happened and it’s been the same routine ever since, Mikasa goes to school as the “perfect” girl and Annie maintains her distance then later comes to Mikasa’s window to “pick her up” or just hang around for a while. Annie is the only person Mikasa could truly be herself with and she never wanted to lose that, but as the years passed she could see that Annie is becoming tired of hiding and is slowly slipping away.

~~~~~~~~~~(End flashback)~~~~~~~~~

Mikasa walks down the stairs freshly showered and dressed in a sleeveless navy blue knee-high dress. She makes her way into the kitchen to see her mother cooking.

“Oh, there you are, here set the table they should be here any minute.” Mikasa’s mom handed her the plates.

Mikasa grabs the plates and begins placing five of them on the table. She’ll just have to push her worries about Annie to the back of her head for now and focus on being the girl everyone else loves. The doorbell rings and Mikasa’s father gets up to answer it, letting in the two guests.

“Welcome you two, Mikasa don’t be rude come and greet your boyfriend at the door.” Mikasa’s father called out

Mikasa walked to the front door and put on the best fake smile she could and spoke in the kindest voice she could muster.

“Hi Jean, it’s nice to see you.”

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