Ep. 8 - Thought

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No, this is not over, it's still her birthday.
I can make it.

I run hastily through the crowds.

Why is it so crowded? Is today a special day? No, is it possibly black friday or something?

Slipping through the big clumps of gathering people, I stumble. Slowly looking up, my eyes gleam of satisfaction.
This is it!


Tap, tap.
My steps leave both a noticable sound and wet marking on the floor. Halfway back, it had started to rain. But my gift remains safe.

Determined, I rush to the room i previously saw her in.

Ah, there she is.

The beautiful, cheerful, bodyguard that I have possibly fallen for.

S-she's looking at me?!

Oh shit, she's walking towards me?!

"Jungkook-ah! Are you okay?"

Is this even real? Right here, right now, she's here and talking to me, worried for me.

"Sunbaenim said that you ran off without saying anything, and now you're back soaking wet!" She grips on my jacket, observing me quite frantically.

She looks pretty, even when she's furrowing her brows.

...wait, furrowing her brows?

"Do you know how worried I was?!" She shouts

"Gah?!" I was - quite literally - shooketh by her.

She had this look of anger on her face while she shakes my shoulders back and forth in - possibly - frustration(?)

"W-wait, aren't you glad that I'm here?!" I raise a brow, confused. "You were worried for me just a second ago?!"

"Yes and I still am!" She shouts again, still holding my shoulders firmly. "After that argument we had - and the moment of my birthday coming up, what conclusion other than 'you hate me' could I had thought of after you -for some unknown reason- ran away like that?!"

"Oi, oi, calm down! You do know I don't... hate you.." It suddenly clicked in me,

she thought I hated her because I ran off without a reason... and that got her worked up.

"Look, I'm sorry for getting you worried for no reason." I held her hand that was on my shoulder.

"Grrr..." She growls, agitated.

"But honestly, I came here to solely apologize." I lifted my pointer finger. "And the reason why i ran away was because I couldn't succumb to the fact that I don't have a present, although I was the first one to find out it was your birthday."

Her harsh expression falters, mouth parting slowly in shock.

"R-really..?" Hearing my explanation, I could feel Rin's hand relax a little, falling back to her sides.

"So, I got you a little something." I smiled, pushing forward a paper bag.

"Oh?" Her brows perk up. "What's this?"

She picks up the paper bag from my hand before sitting down to open it and reveal the present.

"Its..." she lifts the bottle up. "A...
Hazelnut scented..

Her head tilts to the side, perplexed like a curious little puppy. I couldn't help but smile.

"Yep! I once saw it while walking by and it totally reminded me of you and how you constantly explain your eye color as hazel, hazel, hazel!" I kept my smile throughout the whole explanation. "So, are you happy?"

"Even without a gift, a simple sorry would have been enough for me." She smiles, putting down the gift.

"Whaat? But I went through all the trouble of retrieving it.." I jokingly whined. She laughed.

"Yes, you will forever have my debt, oh, great knight in shining armor!" She jokes along, mustering up an accent.

"Of course, mistress.. But may I ask about the beasts currently present in this room?" I use up my manlier voice and gesture towards the others in the room, causing a chuckle to escape her lips.

"But before that... I have somethings to say.." she stops her act, making me tense up.

What could she possibly need to say for her to suddenly get serious?

"Thank you for going through so much for me.. the gift and all.. it wasn't even necessary, yet you put so much thought into it." She adverts her eyes.

"...and sorry, for being a straight up jerk to you back then." She looks at me, then looks down.

"I'm the one at fault here, trying to act like I know you, when - in reality - maybe I actually know nothing about you. But I hope this was enough to compensate for my behaviour." I answered, eyes looking straight at her.

"Friends? ...again?" I hold out a hand for her to high-five, which she gladly accepts.

And that is how we made up.

Your comments give me MOTIVATION to keep writing and writing and writing! Who knows, maybe others will like my story as much as I do! I just love this first time feeling of people showing an actual positive response to something I'm working on!!! What is this feeling?! 😍

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