chapter fourteen

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Prime was discharged the next day—thanks to Allison, using her powers to make them

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Prime was discharged the next day—thanks to Allison, using her powers to make them. Her sister was against it, but Prime had convinced her that they needed to all be together and talk about what Five had told them.

Prime was sitting in the passenger seat with Allision as she drove," How'd everything go, with the guy that is seeing V? Find any dirt on him?"

She groaned," No, I did find his address—I broke in but I didn't have enough time to check everywhere. I was going to check the attic but he came home"

"Shit, how'd you manage to escape?" Prime asked

"Easy— just through the door, he came through the front, and Vanya hates me by the way, before I went to his house. I decided to tell her something was wrong with him" Prime looked at Allison and rolled her eyes

"Wrong move, Vanya would be pissed, since that guy probably makes her feel special, she didn't feel like at home" Prime added

"Wow, it's exactly how she said it" Allison added

"Yeah, well remember, I was one of the people who tried to include her with us when you know—

"Most of us didn't, yeah, I'm starting to learn that the hard way, especially when I hung out with her and spent the night—it was awkward" She revealed

"Yeah, that tends to happen" Prime confirmed

Shortly after the drive, the girls arrived at the house as Allison parked," The boys are going to kill me for taking you out of the hospital" She said as she peeked at Prime.

"Pft, what are they gonna do, they can't do jack shit," Prime said opening the door and frowning," But I can't either, help me?" She said as Allison rolled her eyes getting out of the car to make Prime lean on her.

"No Allison—don't do it, don't take her out of the hospital, don't listen to her, don't use your powers" She mumbled harshly to herself as they walked into the house.

"Yes, Allison, do it, do take her out of the hospital, do listen to her, do make sure to use your powers" Prime teased as her sister glared at her.

"Prime?! What are you doing out of the hospital?" Diego asked seeing them enter the living room and stood up

"Allison missed me so she used her powers to break me out," Prime said grinning as Allison looked at her in betrayal


"Whhhatt?" Prime sang as she turned her head away.

"We are taking you back" Diego demanded and Prime raised an eyebrow

"And how? If you take me back, they'll all be" Prine raised my voice trying to mock one of the nurses," But Mr Hargreeves, your sister is perfectly healthy, we made sure, and she was ready to be discharged" Prine said dramatically using her hands.

✓ | NO NUMBER, ben hargreeves (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now