chapter fifteen

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Prime walked into almost every room and couldn't find Klaus but when she opened the next door she froze," Uh, what in the world?" She asked as she saw Diego tying up Klaus

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Prime walked into almost every room and couldn't find Klaus but when she opened the next door she froze," Uh, what in the world?" She asked as she saw Diego tying up Klaus.

"Oh!Oof! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah" Klaus said as Diego tightened the rope around him.

"If I see a boner, I'm out," Diego said and Prime gagged and made disgusted noise at those words making them both turn to her.

"There are a lot of things I wish not to see, and this is one of them," Prime stepped back raising her hands about to walk out.

Ben glanced at Prime who entered the room at the wrong time and he covered his mouth laughing as Klaus chuckled," It's not what it looks like, really, its— Diego said

Prime sighed turning around," What's going on? Please, pleaseeee, explain my dear brothers"

"He wants to get sober," Diego said as he walked around Klaus bringing the rope around, "Don't get me wrong, man. Good by you. But I'd think you'd wanna pop every pill on the planet," said Diego

"Oh, the thought did cross my mind, believe me, but there's something I need to do, and the whole pesky thing doesn't seem to work unless I'm sober," Klaus said as he groaned

"Is this about conjuring the one you lost? What was her name?"

"What was his name, Klaus?" Prime corrected Diego

"Thanks—Primey, anyways, his name was Dave. We soldiered together in the A Shau Valley in the Mountain of the Crouching Beast"

Prime smiled," Well, Dave must have been a very special person" Ben smiled at her always being sweet to Klaus but then Diego sighed.

"Special to put up with your weird-ass shit"

She glared at Diego," Uncalled for Diego" and he shrugged

Klaus snorted," Yeah, yeah, he was kind and strong, and vulnerable, and beautiful, beautiful and I was foolish enough to follow him all the way to the front line"

"You fought in it?" Prime said as her face fell and he nodded," Oh yeah"

"How'd they let you do that?" Diego inquired as he was still tying Klaus's feet.

"War couldn't take enough bodies. Please. Including his" Klaus said hurt as Prime and Diego listened

"Hey, look at us. Loggin' in some quality bro and sis time before the end of the world"

"Yeah, might as well" Diego added he was done and Pat Klaus was about to leave when Klaus whined," Ah shitt!!"

Prime walked over worried," What's wrong?"

"What?" Diego said turning around

"I need to pee!!" Both of them groaned

"Really Klaus? Did you need to wait until after he tied you?" Ben commented as he laughed.

✓ | NO NUMBER, ben hargreeves (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now