The Eldest

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Aurora looked around the tent before slowly sitting up, the feeling in her body slowly returned to her she decided to get up and walked outside. She quickly shot into stance after seeing Melodonic stood before her, "calm down, I'm not here to fight." Aurora looked at the bird like creature suspiciously for a moment before Relty walked out "it's fine Aurora, she's not going to do anything. " "Then why is she here?" "To talk" Melodonic quickly interjected, Aurora calmed down and sighed "what did you want to say?" "Your vocal power is beyond anything that my people can achieve, I want to learn more about it, so I ask of you to make me your familiar." Aurora stared at the Bewitcher, dumbfounded as Relty approached, "It's a good fit, you both have similar powers." Aurora took a minute to process what had been said before talking "very well then, I'll take you as my familiar." Both melodonic and Aurora sat cross-legged on the grass and closed their eyes, Relty stepped back as a strong amount of energy could be felt emitting from their bodies, the energy felt from both of them was different but each was slowly changing untill they were exactly the same. Both of them were linked and Melodonic turned to a bright light which shrunk and faded to reveal a green and blue feathered bird that flew onto Aurora's shoulder she opened her eyes to look at the small animal. "This feels strange... I can hear so many songs, I know what they mean and what they can do." Aurora looked at Relty, his irises were glowing a bright purple but there was something else, a white flickering but she couldn't make out exactly what it was. "I see so you both came to this place in hopes of linking with a familiar according to Aurora's thoughts, but it must be said you two are a curious pairing." Melodonic stated while looking between them, Relty looked at her intrigued by what she said "Aurora can use vocal powers beyond any of my people, she has learnt to refine her gifts, not only that her magic isn't something to laugh at either, that is something rare in it's self but then there is also you..." The bird looked up at Relty "I'm sure it was you who gave her the strength that pushed her, not only that but I'm sure what I felt from you before echoed across the whole cave, probably a lot further. You are an odd entity, but I can't figure out why." Aurora looked at Melodonic then back at the boy infront of them who had been silent this entire time, she could feel it too, an ominous and overwhelming energy was coming from him, not visible but definitely in the air and it was thick. "It's probably nothing, anyway we should get some rest, then we'll make our way to the the next location" Relty stated as if trying to avoid explaining anything to them.

After both Relty and Aurora got back in the tent to sleep, Melodonic perched on the tent everything seemed to be peaceful, the forest was once again silent. Thoughts plagued Relty as he lay there looking at the girl sleeping on the other side of the tent, he was wondering whether or not to tell her about what he had found within himself. Eventually however the thoughts were drowned out and faded along with his consciousness as he fell asleep. A few hours later and both of them had woken up, they both got out of the tent and Melodonic flew down onto Aurora's shoulder. "So what's the plan Relty? You still need to find a familiar" Aurora looked at him curiously as he approached the water.  "From what I know this cave was formed by an offspring of the grand Aldrech tree at the center of the island, well its also known that they are able to transfer any source of energy to each other. If I'm right by following the roots on the cave ceiling then we should be right next to the transfer point between the elder Aldrech and the nearest offspring. Aren't we Melodonic?" He looked at the bird as he asked and it transformed back to the form it originally had. "I'm surprised you managed to figure that out but yes, this lake is a sacred source of pure mana the roots can absorb it from the lake, its why parts tend to form lights. " Relty nodded and looked back at the water, as if something was about to surface, but instead a whirlpool started to form at its center And eventually the whole lake was rotating downwards in a spiral and at the point at the bottom held a bright light which Relty instantly spotted. "As I thought" and without hesitation he jumped into the center of the whirlpool, Aurora's natural response was panic but she realized Relty wouldn't jump without reason and calmed her nerves. After a moment of thought she followed after him with Melodonic behind her.

It took Aurora a moment to process but they were now outside, they were in a large meadow but giant roots that had sprouted from the ground covered quite the distance and deformed the flat land with bumps where they reached under the earth. "What.... Just happened?" "We used the transfer of energy between the trees and traveled through a gate to the elder Aldrech." Relty's response made Aurora turn around and snap her head up to bear witness to the titanous tree that reached above the clouds. "The most ancient life form to live in this world, complete immortality made up of different woods and species of tree and can almost instantly repair damage sustained to it, an ironclad defense and a consciousness. Let's see how far I get." Before Aurora could reply to Relty he took out the hard-light blade and clenched his fist around it, a golden light sprouted from his hand and moved around his feet until his trainers transformed into boots that had what looked like metal spiked wings. He then shot towards the base of the tree and started to run up the trunk at an incredible speed, Aurora struggled to follow him with her eyes while trying to comprehend what was happening.

Relty dashed around branches and indents on the tree and eventually was above the clouds, he took glances out at the world below him every few seconds as he continued his ascent. Suddenly he heard a thundering cry from the top of the tree and he jumped from it and began to plummet to the earth below. "Now for the real fun, let's just hope this works as planned" Relty began to mutter as he fell, Aurora could see him getting closer and closer to her and began to panic unsure what to do but before she could gather her thoughts Relty started to slow down, his descent becomes sluggish as he gently touched the floor. Aurora stared at him completely dumbfounded as to what just happened but she caught a glance of his eyes, it was vague but she could make out white glowing runes changing over his irises. "Relty...?" Before she could say anything else he grabbed her hand and pulled her away from where she stood just in time before a large shockwave emitted from it and dust rose into clouds around them. "Aurora promise me you'll not interfere in this fight, I know things are confusing, I'll explain everything later ok?" Aurora was too stunned to answer, but she trusted him, his warm presence made that clear to her so she just nodded. Not a second later a growl sounded from the dust, "thanks, now its time to try some old tricks."

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