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Relty sighed as he brought his knees up his chin and he looked up to the sky, not a single cloud in view. "So are you going to say anything, we both know you are there so there's no point trying to hide your presence, we are alone." Relty muttered to himself which elicited a female echoey voice to respond. "Sorry about that, there were too many people and I thought it would make you uncomfortable to bring up my presence within you just after Cri made his apparent." "I appreciate that you considered my feelings, I was overwhelmed in there, honestly all of this is a bit much for me to take in. I never really wanted a larger than life destiny I just wanted to live a peaceful and happy life, though I guess that shattered when I decided to go unknowingly befriend a princess and end up becoming her knight. Now all eyes are on me, I carry the souls of the two great beings who brought about this world we currently live and something sinister threatens it. Jeez this sucks! I guess there's no getting out of it this time, I'm stuck with the fate I've been dealt if I keep sulking about it the more I'm going to resent it so may aswell accept it." Relty's eyes lowered to the floor as he spoke, a weak and emotionless smile on his face. "Tell me child, if you hate this so much why did you save the girl? If you avoided the school or healing the students no one would have known you could have prevented the disaster like you did." The female voice sounded once more. "Because it's not Aurora I hate, infact it's quite the opposite when it comes to how I feel about her. I don't hate school or the other students, I hardly hold any hatred in me and despise there little of what this world holds. There's no point me condeming others to their deaths if I can prevent it." A moment of silence followed before the voice spoke again, "you truly are the child of Hestia, it's been a while since I last saw you but you have grown so much.  The ones who killed her, you remembered them earlier, that's what that memory was when you activated Cri's power by accident." Relty lowered his head further, bringing his knees up to his forehead. "Hestia protected you with my power instead of herself, it was because I wasn't powerful enough at the time to give her more power that she died that day, I'm sorry Relty." "Celestia the goddess of life and peace, I don't blame you for her death and I don't think mother does either." Relty spoke weakly, his voice breaking and quiet almost if he was about to cry. "Kid you hold both our souls and have enough energy within you to be able manifest both of us with physical form. One day I'm sure this world will come under threat and rely on you to protect it, when that time comes we'll do what we failed to achieve for your parents. We will give our strength and courage to you and help you through the trouble you face, Celestia and I will stay by your side, something Hestia and Zeal would want us to do." The beast spoke and Relty sighed, but the grief and sorrow in him had disappated. "Even now the ones who cared for them still feel responsible for their child, thank you, both of you."

"Where is that brat, he's been gone almost an hour now, he can't just walk off without saying anything. You're no better Dane, hiding more secrets about him than even he knows." Flare stated with impatience and annoyance. "Let him get his head around things Flare, Relty will be back soon, I don't see him running away from this." Aurora said Calmly, even smiling without a worry in the world. "Seems to me someone has taken quite the liking to her appointed knight, to hold him in such praise seems odd even for you Aura." Sola cut in suddenly. "I-I don't know what you are talking about Mother!" Aurora yelled as her face turned slightly red. "Oh I just remembered, you told me the school had been attacked like this for years now, and it was mostly due to there being students who are from many of the different royal families going there. So how is it the school is still open and royal families still send their children there?" The four adults looked to eachother before responding to Aurora's question. "The main reason is it's in the best political position for all countries, since it's within neutral territory between every country each one contributes to it's fundings. It's also the best place for keeping the peace between the surrounding kingdoms, however i'm sure you're aware what happens in the borderlands of the neutral lands. Most of the borderland is habitat to a lot of hostile nature that would rather hunt humanity to extinction so in order to keep them from reaching inland the kingdoms use the borderlands as a war zone though none are happy to admit it but the truce between the kingdoms is fragile. The schools in the neutral lands are also known for being good for recruitment, giving students a chance for getting into the factions they want in any kingdom. Since no information is released about who is recruited to what country and faction all faction leaders only know of the students capabilities, take Relty's surge in popularity and reveal of his true capability with magic and swordplay. He will eventually be given invitations to join some of the minor factions in every country, and while he is your appointed knight and secretly holding the title of Champion it is possible for him to still be recruited into any faction in any country as long as he is invited to." Gale stopped talking allowing Dane to speak

"Making Relty a Champion was a good thing as if he ever let out that he was titled champion by even one kingdom's ruler it would instantly increase his chances of joining the much more powerful factions. I can't think of which ones he has any interest in however. You on the other hand Aurora are in a much more comfortable position as you are the princess to one of the kingdoms you can be offered positions at the top of even the greatest factions. Also what happens a lot is the neutral goverment have the power to arrange marriage between two royal family members from different kingdoms which can lead to either a new faction or kingdom dependent on their power. However they haven't done this for a century so I doubt you have to worry about that happening. As for our school in particular there are a lot of royal family members from all of the different kingdoms as it's the top ranked school." "So in simple turns the leaders of this world use the neutral lands as their playground for political arrangements and fueds since it's the most hostile lands." "Honestly it seems kind of tiring and makes it hard to discover anymore ancient ruins." Relty's voice came from the doorway, he sounded fatigued. "Hey, are you ok?" Aurora asked as she looked at him with concern. "I'm fine, I'm just a bit exhausted, just need to get use to doing this." Just as he finished his sentence two figures walked in from behind Relty, one was a boy who looked smiliar to Relty but had purple hair that glowed and both eyes were the same deep crimson as Relty's left eye. The other was a tall female with bright green glowing hair and matching eyes. Both of them were  wearing black robes that let off an ominous energy. "Uhh who are they Relty?" Flare questioned passing a finger between them, the others looking at them in confusion too. "They are... A part of me, something that let's me hold close the feeling of my parents, the awoken spirits of my love and greif. The Crimson Eyes, wielder of death and carrier of destruction, the beast of Calamity." The purples hair boy removed his robe to reveal a scaled body with a rib-cage covering his torso and a spine running over his back along with a tail made of quill shaped bones. "The other is Celestia, the goddess of life and oeace, protecter of All and watcher of the new world." The woman removed her robe to reveal a gown of pure white and small wings made from bright golden light. "Both souls that my parents carried reside now in me, the walls of fate have collapsed and the next phase has begun." Relty's voice was no longer his own, it was cold and almost etherial. "When the souls of the catalyst are as one the world will face the darkness that will arise to extinguish the light of life, when the worlds all exsist on the same plain will the final song be sung. Their hearts will be reborn once more and connect to his there in the fields of Old."  Relty breathed heavily for a moment as he looked like he would collapse, fortunately he managed to stay on his feet until he managed to get back to his senses. "There's no doubt that's the same passage, the same as the one carved into passing stone deep in the bowels of the old Sky Castle ruins. "Wait slow down, you just said both the goddess Celestia and the Crimson Eyes are part of you, how is that even possible?" Sola interjected and Relty looked to her. "You realise if word of this gets out you will be pestered with endless requests to make to attend audience with so many governmental bodies and courts. I'm afraid there are just as many people who don't want the reincarnations to be put together like this as there is that do want that to be the case. For now the best option is to keep it a secret, especially since you work for the royal family of the sky as a knight, a lot of leaders will see this as us hiring a very powerful weapon." Celestia responded to Sola's explanation. "We have already accounted for that and have a plan, but for now we are going to hide our presence. We have no reason to act on it now so for now we will remain in Relty's consciousness." The others glanced between the three of them but didn't question what Celstia said. "Anyway I'm getting tired so I'm going to head home." Relty said and both Celestia and Cri disappeared into blue light that entered his body, he then used the same spell he used to get to the school's doors the day Azure attacked.

He opened his eyes to find himself in the lab he was in before the attack, he sat down at the workbench and removed the cloth from over his current work and looked down at the silver lance. A panel was opened on it to reveal cable like structures running through the inside of the lance, dark blue lights traveling along them. "I guess I have a reason to finish this now, hopefully nothing serious plans to happen for atleast a few months." Relty muttered to himself as he closed the panel and put the cloth back over the lance and left the lab, locking the door behind him.

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