Looming Rage pt. 1

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By the time they had finished their first lesson of hand to hand combat a lot of the students were exhausted and some had light bruising over their body. Relty, Zere and Neo headed for the locker room together with the bigger two of the three trying to soothe their wounds. "Celei is as merciless as ever, she kicked both of us around without problem. Speaking of being kicked around, Relty you got hit pretty bad at the start so how is there not a single bruise or cut on you?" Neo asked with a slight tone of envy, "not sure, to be honest it still hurts but if there's no wound it should be fine." "Your just happy to think you got away staring at Aurora during the training without anyone seeing." Zere interjected quickly which flustered Relty who blushed and responded with "I was learning her fighting style you weirdo." "Whatever you say magic prodigy" Zere commented sarcastically and they all laughed. By the time they had gotten changed into uniform the alarm for lunch had sounded and they made their way back to the classroom to find Aurora and Celei already eating at a table they had made by pushing three desks together.

"You guys took your time" Celei called to them and before either Neo or Zere could say anything Relty commented. "Sorry Zere took so long fixing his make-up to cover the bruises you gave him." There was a moment of silence from surprise before a wailing laughter from Neo and Celei and a giggle from Aurora. "Hey! I already have Celei picking on me, I don't need the social butterfly doing it too!" Zere blurted out to which Relty responded with "careful, your tears will make the make-up run." The laughing got louder as Zere just sat down and hid his face on the desk in embarrasment.  "Seems someone is getting use to people" Celei said after calming down "I was not expecting you of all people to say something like that so quick, it really caught me off guard." "Almost as quick as it took him to learn Aurora's 'fighting technique' by the seems of it" Zere groaned from his arms. Celei hit him on the head causing a yell of pain as Aurora looked to Relty who was looking away and blushing. "Dont worry about it Aurora, this guy just has a dirty mind, Relty did nothing" Relty sighed in relief from Celei's support and sat down. Aurora just looked between them in confusion before giving up and taking a bite of her sandwhich "Relty you not going to eat?" Aurora looked at him and tilted her head "I don't  really ever make lunch but I'll be fine." Aurora took the other half of her sandwhich and gave it to him "here you may aswell eat something." "Th-thanks" Relty took the half Sandwhich and ate it silently as Celei and Neo stared at the two of them. Aurora looked at them as grins grew on their faces "what? What's with you two?" "Oh nothing, just watching a heart warming display of care." Relty wasn't listening and Aurora just hid her face for a moment before calming. "By the way what class do we have next?" Zere finally said after 15 minutes of saying nothing "music I believe" replied Neo.

After another 15 minutes of chatting the alarm for the next lesson finally sounded and the desks were put back to normal. Once Dane entered the room a piano, guitars and other instruments appeared at the front of the room. "Right then, I know what most of you are thinking, how can music help with magic or training? Well these instruments are enchanted to look into your soul and display who you are inside. It takes focus and control to do this, how many of you are any good at music?" Only a few hands went up, Aurora and Relty both lifted their hands follow by Neo and a couple of random students. "Excellent we have just enough, let's start with you" he gestured to one the random students Relty hadn't noticed before. The first picked up a bass guitar and started play a slow and calming rhythm, before long a symbol on the bass began to glow and the room they were in disappeared and was replaced by a beach. The sky was clear and the sun just resting over the water causing it to light up with and orange tint. Before long the music stopped and the classroom reappeared "excellent, what you showed us was to represent a relaxing and tranquil soul, which suits your personality well." Next up was Neo who picked up a violin and started playing very eerie music, eventually a cave fully of glowing green crystals appeared to replace the classroom. After Neo was done another student that Relty had never noticed before stepped up and grabbed an electric guitar. Very soon there was a lot of shredding and held out chords being played and around them appeared the crater of a volcano. Next up was Aurora who walked up confidently and picked up an acoustic guitar and sat on a stool. The notes she played were soft and soothing to Relty and before long Aurora began to sing and by then the classroom was replaced with an open valley with one tree that they were all under. Everything was calming and Relty watched Aurora closly until the music stopped and the classroom reappeared. "Beautiful, the perfect personification of your soul." Dane said to her before she got up to go back to her seat.

Finally it was Relty's turn so he walked up to the front as the room went silent and he sat at the large grand piano. He sighed heavily as he placed his fingers softly over the keys suddenly heavy base notes sounded through the room followed by a cascade of melody but it wasn't until Relty started singing that the room started to change, soon they were all floating in the air surrounded by floating islands, some just masses of land while others carried ruins. The sun had a different shape and creatures never seen before flew around the, Aurora looked down to see a black abyss where a purple light grew slowly. Relty's voice began to fade and the music from the piano became heavier and more dramatic, by now the purple light was close. Suddenly it flew towards them at an unfollowable pace but Aurora could have sworn she saw an eye and suddenly after one more loud and dull note the classroom suddenly appeared and Relty sat there completely limp and sweating. Dane approached Relty cautiously and placed a gently hand on his shoulder, Relty jumped in surprised before looking back to see him. "You did well go take a seat", as Relty moved back to his seat weakly a lot of the students stared at him in confusion, Aurora looked somewhat scared. "As you all know natural gifts are part of our souls, Neo who weilds dark and light as primary elements in his natural gift created a cave. Aurora who wields vocal powers which is represented by nature and wind. However, to someone who has no natural gift where would the enchantment go to create an image. What you saw was mostly created by Relty's imagination, that light that came up from below was his source of magic. Since Relty has such a large capacity of magic energy within him it over flowed towards our presence in his mind to force us out." Aurora lifted her hand and Dane nodded to her for her to talk "Sir I'm sure there was a creature inside that light, what was it?" "A creature you say? That is not something I have heard of before, maybe because its a new find we'll soon find out but for now I suggest you try not to dwell on it." Relty looked up weakly at him, it was obvious to Relty that Dane was hiding something from them but he decided to say nothing. "Hey are you ok Relty?  You look like you just ran a marathon" Aurora asked as she reached a hand to his desk to place over his, he was boiling. "I'm fine, just a bit winded after my own magic forced me out of my subconscious" he replied as Aurora pulled her hand away. "As long you're sure" Aurora said as Dane began to speak again "it would seem most of you are a bit shaken up after what just happened. We'll take a break and continue later."

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