The Generation Before

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It had become midnight since noon when the events of the ceremony had happened, Relty had secluded himself to his room. The others were outside his door talking quietly hoping Relty couldn't hear them. They were trying to get him to come out but to no response. Relty cast a simple fire bolt towards the door but it stopped in its movements as a green aura formed around his arm. He then snapped his finger and the flame extinguished "Relty you need to come out at some point" Gale spoke softly but no reply came. "You won't convince him with common sense like this" Dane walked up to the door and knocked. "Relty you can either sit in there and not listen to what we have to say or come out and let us talk and I'll give you an ancient tome." Everyone fell silent as they looked at Dane in surprise who was infact holding an ancient tome. A minute later and the door clicked and swung open to reveal Relty standing there in a shirt that was too big for him, his hair a mess and his eyes red as if he was crying. "Fine I'll listen" the rest of them sighed in relief as Dane handed Relty the book he held. Relty placed a hand on the cover of it and whispered "fuldren". The pages of the book lit up as the book flew through each one and shut at the end. "Information upload complete, now translating, 5 day wait time." "Impressive, you can upload a tome to your memory and translate it without any guide." Gale spoke with surprise as Relty looked up at them, he shut his eyes and muttered something and his clothes changed to a black shirt and jeans and his hair was flattened. "let's head to somewhere more confortable" Dane commented and they all walked to the living room and sat in a circle. Dane snapped his finger and a jug of water and five glasses appeared on the table they surrounded. He filled each glass to about half way and gave each person one, he then cleared his throat before speaking.

"As children all of us were friends, me, Gale, Sola and your parents Relty. our group was small but it walked a deep path, at the time Gale was the second prince of this kingdom and Sola the daughter of the general that commanded its army. I was the son of the lead researcher at the time and since there was no better place we were taught at the very school you attend now. Your parents Relty also attended this school and were secluded to themselves, only trusting eachother." Relty nodded as he knew this part of Dane's past as he had told Relty where he had met his parents. Gale spoke now "we had all ended up in the same class by chance, all of us beyond different and our teacher a strict old man but an amazing teacher. Over time us three had decided to try make friends with Zeal and Hestia who at first tried to scare us off. And they almost had if it wasn't for the events that followed part way through our first year. Information had gotten out to one of our enemy countries that I was attending the school and they planned an attempted kidnapping. When their plan went into action things quickly got violent as the opposing forces were caught and tried their luck at cutting down anyone in their path to draw me out. That's when your parents got caught in the mess, they had been spotted by the attackers but instead of running they stood their ground. That's when we realised the power they held, Hestia with the gift to nullify any magic and incredible magic capacity. And Zeal a beast in every aspect who when cornered defeated every enemy he faced before anyone could tell what happened. but they were soon outnumbered as the enemy nation decided that us cutting down their soldiers was a pledge of war. In the following months army went up against army, the war was a stalemate, one nation attacked and the other would retaliate." Sola now took over, "by now all five of us were friends, we had accepted your parents as they were and it wasn't long before all of us took up arms as our own unit dubbed the "Descendants". Gale the sky kingdom's prince and ruler of the wind, Dane the weilder of his own inventions. Myself the Valkyrie of light, Hestia the guardian and finally Zeal the enigma." Relty listened carefully with no emotions registered on his face. "years after the war me and Gale got married and not long after so did Hestia and Zeal. It was a fitting match as they trusted eachother with their lives and then it happened, 8 months later we had gotten news that Zeal had been slain during an expedition to one of the ancient ruins. Dane barely made it back alive and reported this himself." "I was sworn by silence to never reveal your fathers secrets to you until you were ready Relty, but I fear that time is closing in on us." Dane cut in grimmly and Relty just nodded and Sola continued. "We found out a month later that Hestia had given birth to a child and since then we have all watched over that child, even after her murder we felt responsible for the boy." Sola finished.

Gale finally spoke up "Relty we offer you a choice, will you become Aurora's knight and protect her just like your parents protected us so many times before." Relty thought for a moment before looking to Aurora who had been silent for so long before speaking "I accept this role" "very well then Aurora, will you be willing to bestow Relty with the goddess' blessings." Aurors nodded in response and all three adults sighed in relief before smiling to eachother "then tomorrow this knighting will take place. For now we should rest for the event and us three have much to discuss. You will both learn in the future the past that has been hidden, do not feel oblidged to follow it if you so wish." Both Aurora and Relty nodded in unison before getting up and walking to their rooms, they both took a minute to process everything they had been told and what was to come. "So your knight huh... Yeah, I guess I can accept that role in life" Aurora smiled at him before they both went into their rooms and slept the remaining few hours of the night.

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