Well howdy everybody! Congrats for making it to week 2 of the book club! Hope you all enjoyed Precedence! Thank you for everybody who participated and provided feedback on the stories! Well on to book two! This week, we will be reading Error of Perfection by authorxzx. Here is a breif summary of the story:
A popular, loved-by-all band boy and a clueless girl; in cliché stories, these people are bound to meet and fall in love.
But, this isn't a cliché love story. The loved-by-all-band-boy turns out to become another boy and that boy, is already a boy.
Does the right girl fall for the right boy?
Lets show authorxzx some love by commenting on at least 10 chapters. We can definitely do this by the end of Saturday. Make sure comments are very authentic intead of the generic "This was great!", so spend some time and effort on the comments!
Once Upon a Time
AcakThis book club is created to help the writers of Wattpad develop by offering critiques on their stories. This is also a great opportunity to share your stories with others and hopefully those people will share your stories with other people and so o...