Chapter 6 - Victoria?

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After I and Sebastian took a quick shower and change. We then went to the living room where the twins were sitting patiently for us, well, me.

"Versare" I spat while one of my maids handed me my tea." You know what today is right?" Mario says bending over to me. Oh does he mean? "Do you mean-'

Translation: Versare (Spill)

Before I could even finish Luigi interrupted me. "Yep, today is our bitchy sister, Victoria, death anniversary," he growled making Mario nudge him. Figures Luigi would still hold a grudge against our evil ass sister. He will never forget what she did to Mario and neither will I.

I mean what kind of sister would ever engrave the word slave into their little brothers back and whip him until he bled and more unimaginable things. The worst part about this is my parents knew, they knew yet they did nothing to stop her, the only one who did was me and Luigi.

", what's the relationship with this one" Mario carried on trying to change the subject."He's mine" I simply said wasting no time. Luigi's eyes scanned Sebastian taking every detail in while Mario is picking his nose.

"Anyway, Brothers, I'm sure you both know where your room is" I started shooing them away. Nodding both their heads they then made their way on to their rooms.

"Why do you all hate your sister?" Sebastian asked frowning. "She was a wicked woman and we all are glad she's dead except my parents, of course" I explained pouring a tip of scotch in my tea.

"Oh," was what he said. "Mario was abused by her because he was the youngest and weak one at the time. My father and mother said that he deserved it because he should've been strong like his twin brother Luigi" I began while Sebastian only nodded.

"She was beautiful but such an evil person," I said before grabbing a picture of her out of the draw.

"She was beautiful but such an evil person," I said before grabbing a picture of her out of the draw

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Victoria Vixen Scorpio

"Woah" Sebastian gasped looking over at her picture. "If you hate her so much then why do you still have a picture of her," Sebastian asked handing the photo back to me.

"Because, Gattino, every time I ever think or miss her this picture will remind me of what an why I hated her" my rage was starting to build I continue to stare at this emotionless picture of her.

"She showed off her beauty to mask her wickedness" I stated before Sebastian gently removed the photo out an of my hand.

"Hey, well let's forget about her since her whole presence is changing the mood," Sebastian said putting the picture back in the draw.

"Yes, let's talk about something else like last night," I teased as Sebastian's face went beet red. His eyes cast down as a blush slowly crept his face.

"I don't think that we should right now" Sebastian hesitantly said. "Gattino, we had sex there's nothing wrong about that" He only backed away from me more trying to keep a distance between us.

"Yeah but that was a mistake, "Sebastian said. My eyes gaze over the distraught boy. Sebastian waited as though he wanted a reaction out of me.

"If you thought that it was a mistake then I won't touch you in that way anymore," I told him. Sebastian only nodded in understanding before going back to his room.

Sebastian's POV

Did I go too far saying that what we had was a mistake? I mean I don't regret doing since I was the one who said yes when he wanted to kiss me.

But I think it's best that we keep this relationship between us like this. I was only here to be his entertainment anyway not his lover.

But damn the moment that we shared last night was indescribable. I felt safe in his arms. Stefano's hands are gentle yet rough every possible way by the way he was touching me last night.

I was scared at first thinking that he was going to be like my step-father but he was different. He showed me how loved I am with his body.

To bad that it won't happen again but it's for the best.

Suddenly a knock portrayed itself on the door before two identical boys walked inside my room. "Sebastian isn't it?" asked the mean looking one which I think is Luigi.

Nodding my head only the one behind the mean one stepped forward smiling completely at me.

"So what's the relationship between you and our brother," asked the nicer one asked who's, Mario.

"Nothing," I said as Luigi looked really skeptical at me."Don't lie we see the way our brother looks at you I only tilt my head in confusion.

"How does he looks at me?" I questioned. "Like you're a piece of meat!" Mario shouts as Luigi shook his head.

"Like his prize possession. I've never seen him so happy" Luigi states That's him being happy?!

"Well, Like I said before me and your brother have nothing between us," I reassured. "Let me tell you this my brother is vulnerable to the people he cares about so if you hurt him I will kill you," Luigi says glaring at me as Mario did the same.

Is this whole family fuck up?


Sorry for the sort chapter... Hope you like!

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