Chapter 16 - Attractions?

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"Take off your clothes, " Stefano's voice spoke loud and clear over the phone.

"W-What?" I stuttered. My heart thumped against my chest heavily as I bite my lip in anticipation. 'Is he mad at me?' I mentally asked myself.

"Enlevez vos vêtements! (Take off your clothes )" Stefano growled this time in french at me.

Putting the phone on speaker, I gently rest down my phone and slowly remove my clothes. There was just a moment of silence before I told Stefano that I'm finished.

"Play with yourself gattino" Stefano commanded making me shudder at his dominating voice.

Just as I moved my hands to my hardened cock suddenly my door was open revealing Ace.

"Seb-Woah!" he said as I turned around quickly covering myself. " What are you doing?" Ace asked licking his lips as his deep blue eyes stared me down intensely.

Great! Just Great!

"Nothing! What do you want?!" I yelled making a smile form on Ace's face. "You, but it's a shame that you're taken but anyway we have to go somewhere so get ready and meet me downstairs, " Ace said before staring me down one more time then leaving.

OMG! Stefano!

Quickly grabbing my phone I fastly took it off speaker putting it against my ear before calling out to him. "Stefano?"

There was nothing but silence until I heard a click happen. He hanged up. Am I in trouble? No, I'm sure he's angry and he'll get over it.

Shaking my head I hurriedly got some clothes on and went downstairs to Ace.


Ace's eyes stared and never left Sebastian. He studied the boy's every move and expression. Analyzing him until he couldn't find any move flaw.

"What was the reason you called me down here?" Sebastian asked tilting his head to the side. His body trembled at the hungry gaze Ace was giving him.

"It's time to train," Ace said sweeping his tongue against his dry lips. Sebastian cursed in his thoughts. He knew that Ace wanted him and he wasn't sure if he could stay away from this man considering that he's training him.

"Why so late?" Sebastian queried raising a brow.

"Because I say so, 'Petite Souris'. Now follow me (Little Mouse)" Ace said motioning his head to Sebb to follow him.

And so Sebastian did. It wasn't long before Ace and Sebastian had reached the training room.

They both had entered before Ace grabbed a shotgun, quickly giving it to Sebb.

" I'm what am I supposed to do with this?" Sebastian asked shaking the gun in Ace's face.

"I'm going to teach you how to shoot straight " Ace stated.

"But won't the others hear us?" Sebastian questioned before Ace took a step towards him.

And Sebastian took a step back.

But that wasn't the end Ace had cornered Sebastian between him and the wall.

His gaze which deeply reminded Sebastian of Stefano stared so deeply into the boy's eyes.

He leaned forward putting his mouth to Sebastian's ear making the boy shudder at his breath grazing Sebb's ear.

" Petite Souris, these walls are soundproofed so even if I were to rip your clothes right now and fuck you hard until your voice turns rasp from all the screams you were doing no one would hear you" Ace whispered.

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