Chapter 7 - Till tomorrow...

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"So what's the relationship between you and our brother," asked the nicer one asked who's, Mario.

"Nothing," I said as Luigi looked really skeptical at me."Don't lie we see the way our brother looks at you I only tilt my head in confusion.

"How does he looks at me?" I questioned. "Like you're a piece of meat!" Mario shouts as Luigi shook his head.

"Like his prize possession. I've never seen him so happy" Luigi states That's him being happy?!

"Well, Like I said before me and your brother have nothing between us," I reassured. "Let me tell you this my brother is vulnerable to the people he cares about so if you hurt him I will kill you," Luigi says glaring at me as Mario did the same.

Is this whole family fuck up?



"What are you two knuckleheads doing here?" Stefano said surprising  Mario and Luigi. "We're only warning him" Luigi shrugged.

"Correction, he was" Mario stated pointing to his twin brother. Stefano sighed before grabbing the back of his brother's shirt.

"You two come to my house to harass my Gattino?" Stefano asked. The twins looked shocked but said nothing before shaking their head then leaving. "Sorry about them," Stefano said before taking a seat next to me.

"You feel better now?" I asked Stefano, he looked taking a deep breath before nodding. "You know, Gattino, you're very different," he said taking the time to look into my eyes. We looked at each other for a time before I chewed on my bottom lip as I was about to ask him something.

"Really, how?" I queried. Why would this man think I'm different? I just as the same as anyone who's ever been hurt or abuse.

"You try to hard to block me out even though you feel something for me but you think everyone is going to be like your stepfather" he stated resting his hand on mine. The warmth from his hand made my heart melt, soon enough Stefano entangled his hand into mine.

"You are right, I am scared that you are just going to end up like my stepfather," I chuckled trying to lighten the matter.

"How do I know that once I give in you won't throw me to the side saying that you don't need me and that you were only using me for your pleasure," I said while a tear threatened to leave my eyes.

"I don't want to feel that pain again," Tears left my eyes as Stefano before I began to blur in my vision. "You don't have to Gattino, I want you, I need you and you know that I am the man that you need as you are the man I need," Stefano said wiping away my tears.

"Let me prove to you, no, let me show you that we are meant to be, Gattino" He breathed before his hand gently wrapped around my neck. Leaning his face closer to mines Stefano's eyes flicker to my lips before looking back to my eyes.

"May I, la mia rosa delicata, "Stefano asked staring into my eyes so deeply shyly nodding my head, his lips gently pressed onto my lips taking his slow and gentle time tasting me.

Translation: my delicate pink rose

His lips felt so right against mines they were so soft and plump. Leaning my head closer to his so our lips could touch more I slowly felt Stefano face moving back slowly from mines.

He took a deep breath before saying something.

"Il mio fiore, così bello ma gentile. Io ti coltiverò e mi prenderò cura di te fino a quando fiorirai e diventerai la mia rosa affascinante e audace," his husky voice spoke marinade in his Italian accent.

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