Rvb S10 E11 "Out of Body"

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Over to Tucker, Wade, Zeta, Grif and Simmons standing in front of Carolina's Mongoose. Caboose and Leo are seen crouching beside the Mongoose and tinkering with it.

Leo: Annnnd... done! That should be everything all sorted, right Caboose?

Caboose: Yep! As long as it doesn't cause a fire... again.

Leo and Caboose stand up and take a step back.

Zeta: So, how are you feeling in there?

Carolina's Mongoose engine comes to life at the question.

Church: I feel like running over each, and every one of you.

Church's voice speaks through the Mongoose.

Zeta: So, pretty much just the exact same as before.

Church: Yeah. Pretty much.

Grif: Y'know Simmons? I think I'm gonna let you call "Shotgun" on this one.

Grif runs off.

Simmons: Fuck that! I'll let Leo have the honours this time!

Simmons follows after Grif.

Leo: Yeah no, I'd rather call "Shotgun" on something that won't complain to me, throughout the whole ride.

Leo chases after the two as Church appears on the windshield of the Mongoose.

Church: Hey, that was one time! Besides, this sucks!

Wade: What are you complaining about? You finally got your own body.

Church: My own body? Wade, I'm a fucking tonka truck!

Tucker: Yeah, but think about it! You could literally pick up chicks with this thing!

Church: Oh, yeah, because every girl just dreams about settling down with Optimus Prime - HONK!

Church flashes as the Mongoose's horn goes off. He turns around and sees Caboose with his hand hovering over the Mongoose honk button.

Church: Caboose! Don't do that.

Caboose pulls his hand away.

Caboose: Sorry.

Sarge comes up running from behind the group and halts besides them.

Sarge: Alright, places people! Here they come!

Sarge runs away as Church vanishes.

Caboose: Don't forget to shout "Surprise!"

Wade: Caboose, not now!

Carolina and Wash run over the hill to where the Blues are.

Carolina: Tucker, bring Church over here. I've got some questions for him.

Tucker: Goddamnit.

Over by the Elephant, where Carolina speaks to Wash who's inside using a computer.

Carolina: Any luck?

Wash: I think so.

The computer screen displays the Project Freelancer emblem, which spins and than reveals several pictures, among them, one of them being Church former Monitor body.

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