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Virgil began to wake up while Patton went to cook something for breakfast. When he realized where he is he immediately turned red and rolled from Roman further on the floor.

R: "Good morning?"

Virgil was on the floor covering his face.

V: "Good morning..."

R: "Aw what's the matter boy?"

V: "What did we do?  I don't remember too much..."

R: "Kissed. Drank alcohol. Somehow my head doesn't hurt."

V: "We continued kissing?!"

Virgils ears were visibly red.

V: "Anything else?"

R: "Don't tell me you don't remember."

V: "So... So you saw...?"

Roman stayed silent. Patton told him.  About Virgil's panic attacks. He'd hate to be a cause of one.

V: "Silence means yes..."

R: "Virgil I- I don't know what should I say... I think your beautiful... Just the way you are..."

Virgil sat up and looked at Roman completely red faced.

V: "You... You mean it?"

He sound like he got some hope with a little spark in his eyes.

R: "I do."

Patton yelled from the kitchen.


Virgil got up and ran to the kitchen.


R: "Wait for me!"

Roman got up and ran to the kitchen. There was Virgil already sitting in a dining room next to kitchen and waiting for for his pancakes. Roman sat down at the table across Virgil. Looking at him like Monika from Doki Doki literature club. Having a sly grin. Patton placed 2 plates of pancakes in front of them. Than he brought them accessories to it. They both wanted to grab maple syrup. Roman let Virgil have it first. Virgil smiled at Roman for that as he poured some syrup over his pancakes, than he handed it to Roman. While Patton was putting Nutella on his pancakes and bananas.

After the breakfast. Roman laughed as he saw Virgil got some syrup on his nose. He reached over the table to wipe it away with his finger.

And he did. Making Virgil blush even more. Patton was silent for a moment.  Than he lighten up.


He ran into the hall and they could hear him going through old closet. Than a muffled 'BINGO!' Could be heard. He ran back to dining room with now empty table. He was holding something black and threw it over at Virgil jumping up and own repeating.


Roman now could see it was rather big made of black leather. Virgil grabbed the shoulders and the ball of leather revealed it's true form. Leather coat.

V: "you can't be serious."


Patton made the puppy dog eyes at Virgil who chuckled.

V: "Alright. Alright."

P: "YES!"

Roman finally connected all the pieces together. OF COURSE! Virgil is JD in their musical. That's why the coat! Virgil put on the coat. That coat looked like no one wore it for quite some time. Virgil reached into his pocket and took out a pack of cigarettes. Took one of the cigarettes and put it in between his lips. He smirked at Roman and than took the cigarette back it between his fingers.

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