°Chapter 18°

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Trigger warning: Suicidal thoughts

"Emily!" A voice called out, sounding so close yet so far. I sat up, looking around only to see darkness around me. I groaned as I pushed myself up into a standing position and I limped towards the voice. "Emily, over here!" I spun on my heel, my eyebrows furrowing together. It came from two different directions, so I didn't know which to follow.

"Who's there?" I yelled, feeling creeped out by the situation I was in. Whoever was calling out to me, giggled, and I froze. I knew that familiar laugh, I hadn't heard it in about six years but I remembered it.

"Oh Em, I thought you'd recognise me straight away." Her voice rang out as she stepped out of the shadows, a smirk pulling up on her lips.

I hissed when I saw her face, knowing how that happened, and guiltily looked down at the ground which was hardly visible. "I'm sorry." I apologised, keeping the tears at bay.

"No, I'm sorry." She stated and I looked up to see that her face had hardened. "I left you when I knew you needed someone. I mean, of course you had Jake but look at how that turned out. He blames you for my death. If I was there right now, I would kick his ass." She told me, expecting me to laugh but I narrowed my eyes at the ground, not wanting to meet her gaze.

"It is my fault." I whispered, glancing up again to see her shaking her head, fiercely. "I'm so sorry, Claire. It's my fault that you're dead, I should've looked before running out into the road." I flinched, the memory coming back to me as if it only happened yesterday.

"Don't you dare blame it on yourself, Emily. Remember, none of this is your fault." She told me, sternly, her voice fading as her body started to disappear. My eyes widened and I tried to grab onto her but she left, no sight of her to be seen.

I felt someone grab me by my hood as I tried to sprint into the darkness. I was dragged backwards and slammed into a wall which had suddenly appeared. I whimpered, letting myself slide down the wall as I looked up at who had caught me.

A gasp had left my lips when I saw that it was Luke. Him and Blake stood in front of me, the rest of my brothers behind them wearing scowls on their faces.

"What the hell is your problem?" Blake snapped at me, causing me to narrow my eyes as I scrambled to stand up again, ignoring the strikes of pain which erupted throughout my body. "We gave you the simple task to get something for us but you failed and got caught."

Luke kicked me in the stomach, sending me tumbling back to the ground. Mocking laughs echoed through my ears and I felt my face heat up. Not wanting to stand up again, I sat there, keeping my stare fixated on the ground.

A finger slipped under my chin, forcing my head up. Cole stood in front of me, a sarcastic smile strewn across his face. "You're so weak, you know that right?" He asked and I found myself nodding in agreement. "You don't belong with us." He told me and stood up.

"You deserved that beating, I mean no one wants you." Luke shrugged and all my brothers nodded in agreement. He looked both sides of him as in a sudden moment, Daniel and Jake stood beside him, wearing menacing grins on their faces.

"Maybe," Jake started with a lazy shrug. "You should just kill yourself." He suggested but in more of a demanding tone than an offering one.

"I'm not going to do that..." I trailed off, thinking over the idea. I felt the tears sting the corners of my eyes as I found myself almost giving in to the idea.

"Well, you should." My mom said, blankly. All the people I knew were stood around me, including Callum and Zoe and they all gave me pointed looks, basically telling me it was a good thing.

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