°Chapter 27°

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Luke's P.O.V

"She'll come back." I reassured the others, although I was unsure myself. I ran my hand through my hair as my eyes scanned over each of my brothers' faces. I could tell they were all panicked, even if they weren't used to Emily living in our house. I - myself - hadn't gotten as used to her living in the same house as us but I knew I had made a bad start with her. I missed her but I was confused because I was the one who kicked her out of the house in the first place. I felt so much guilt weighing on my shoulders and I had barely gotten good nights sleep, not knowing what could be happening to her.

I looked over at Blake, who had his hands pressed against the wall as he took deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. His eyes were closed and his chin rested on his chest, his head tilted down. He seemed angry and distraught. I could tell he was trying his hardest not to blame it on himself, however he had no reason to accuse himself of our little sister's disappearance because it was all my fault. I was the reason why she left, I mean I practically packed her bag for her.

My eyes travelled to Cole, who was sat in the armchair of the front room. He had his legs apart, his elbows resting on his knees with his hands gripping his hair. He occasionally muttered curse words and sentences like "it's all my fault" and "why didn't I stop her" but we all knew that wasn't true and that definitely wasn't going to bring Emily floating to the front door. Cole had been feeling guilty since the day our sister walked out. He hadn't been eating or sleeping or even showering because he claimed that he wasn't going to do anything until we had found Emily.

I sighed, bringing my attention to Jaxon, who was just laying on the carpet floor staring at the ceiling. His eyes were blank of any emotion but every once in a while his eyes would fill with sadness and he would deeply frown, as if remembering the situation which was taking place. He would move around really slowly - as if he had been drained of any energy - but other than that he was looking better than a few of our other siblings.

Mason - for example - was extremely angry even though it had been only a few days since everything turned upside down. His behaviour had sky rocketed and he grew more grouchier than ever, only responding to questions with grunts. Him and Emily had a weird relationship where they got along well but played pranks on each other a lot, causing an argument to break out between them. Though, they'd always go back to laughing almost a second after they'd forgiven each other.

Then there was Conner. He never even spoke to Emily but you could tell he was slowly cracking. He was really sad and had been a lot quieter since our sister arrived but then now that she was gone again, he was quieter than quiet.

Next were the twins. Alexander didn't look as upset as Hayden did and he tried his best to comfort his brother, saying that Emily was a fighter and she would be okay. I had to admit Alexander was speaking the truth because, boy, Emily never went down without putting up a fight - small or big. Hayden and Alexander didn't really communicate with us, they just talked to each other privately - only speaking to us if it was really necessary.

Lastly there was Liam. Where could I start? He acted as if he had lost half of himself which was kind of true, seeing as Emily was technically his other half. Of course, Liam had been sad before Emily was first brought here but when she just disappeared, he was emotional. He was angry, sad, confused and worried. It was like he could feel what Emily was feeling. He wouldn't eat, sleep, shower or sit down at all. Liam didn't even talk to any of us, not even dad or Sandy. He was either locked in his bedroom or out, doing who knows what. Although he tried to cover his feelings up with a mask, we all knew that he had completely broken inside and out.

As for my dad, he was extremely angry with me. He just wanted his little girl back, which was understandable since he had only had her for a few weeks after fifteen years of waiting, only for her to go again. He had been worried sick and had even tried to call the police but I held him back and stopped him, telling to wait for a while because she would be back.

Yet she wasn't...


Emily's P.O.V

A soft whimper escaped my lips as I curled more into a ball. The men had just left and I was in a lot of pain, seeing as I had been stabbed multiple times. I just laid on the floor, staring up at the grimy ceiling that looked as if it were ready to collapse if anyone were to touch it. Not that anyone would even want to touch it though.

"Ah, my dear Emily." I gently tilted my head towards the door of the cell where a man was standing outside it. I could tell it was locked but what made it seem stupid was that I had just been beaten to a pulp and he was nervous that if he even opened the door a slight, I would stand up and be like "ha, you stupid bitch, I'm immune to pain".

I mean, I was used to all kinds of pain but that didn't mean that I was numb to it. It would probably take a magic wand and a genie with a shit ton of wishes to make me resistant to the agony I felt. I was suffering more than I ever had and the pain burned through my body but at the same time I couldn't cry about it because I had wasted my tears during the hits and stabbing I had received.

"I think I should take a few pictures for your brothers, don't you think?" His words seemed to bounce off the walls as if the rooms were empty but they weren't, they were coated in blood and dirt and rot. It was so unhygienic. "They'd love to see their beautiful sister in such a state, right? You think they would come rescue you straight away but, my sweet princess, you obviously don't know them as much as I do." He told me and his lips curled up into a smug smirk. He took out his phone and snapped a few pictures of me, before putting his phone back in his pocket. "You're not loved by anyone, Ms Carter, and do you want to know why?" He gave no time to answer before he continued. "You're a nobody. You're unwanted by your own family and you're the odd pick of the litter. You're father loves little Parker more than he will ever love you. You're mother and stepfather hate you, that is why they beat you. They put you in your place to show you where you belong, yet you can't seem to get it through your thick head that nobody wants someone like you." He made a tutting sound with his tongue and I let the information sink in. "How do you feel, now knowing these facts?"

I blankly stared at him, his evil green eyes staring me down, making me feel angry yet so intimidated. "I...I don't know what to feel anymore." I admitted in a whisper. I was all over the place, I was a complete mess, I didn't know what to do with my fucked up life. "I mean my motto is 'care less is the easiest way to be happier'. That's what I'm doing in this situation. Do you think I'm doing a good job?" I asked, completely changing the subject, which he certainly noticed.

He chuckled, his long fingers wrapping around the cell bars. "I know you're breaking, Emily. It's just going to take some more insults and abuse to completely crack you. The brave facade you're using won't last long in here, I promise you."

"Hm, you seem like the kind of guy to break promises so I won't be taking you up on your words. Thank you very much though, opinions are always appreciated, especially from middle age men who have their heads stuck too far up their asses to see that they are - in fact - piles of shit." I gave him the fakest sweet smile I could and he exhaled angrily out of his nostrils, pointing his finger at me through the bars but as soon as he opened his mouth to say something, I cut in. "You wanna be careful, old man, wouldn't want me biting you're decrepit finger now, would you?"

"You're in for it now, Carter. I'm gonna bring you down until you're begging on your knees for mercy - just you wait."


Hey guys, short chapter I know and I know I also promised you a chapter last week but I kind of have some people holding me up and making me busy at the moment. I'll be starting on the next chapter hopefully tomorrow but you never know with me.

Hope you guys like the chapter and I'd appreciate if you commented what you would like to happen next xx

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