°Chapter 24°

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"So..." Zoe dragged out, eating a spoonful of her strawberry ice cream, scuffing her feet into the floor to stop herself from swinging. She looked concerned and I hoped she wasn't going to ask what I thought she was going to ask. "Have you lost weight?" She asked and I mentally rolled my eyes as I forced a smile onto my face.

"Nope." I said, popping the 'p'. She gave me a deadpanned look and I rolled my eyes, staring at my fingernails and I picked at the skin around them.

"Then why didn't you get any ice cream?" She asked, her eyebrows raised and I sighed in frustration, knowing that because she was my best friend, she wouldn't leave me alone until I answered to her satisfaction.

"I'm just not hungry." I lied. The familiar hunger pains had somehow seeped into me and of course I ate today, I just had an apple though.

"Em, I know you like the back of your hand, we're best friends. You're always hungry and you love ice cream, so how come you turned it down?" She looked hurt as if knowing that I was keeping the secret away from but no matter how much it broke me to not tell her, I still wasn't going to because Zoe was known to gossip about serious things, especially when it came to me.

"Hey, are those new shoes?" I looked down at her old sneakers, just wanting to change the subject. She followed my gaze and sighed as she looked back up at me.

"I can't bare to see you hurt yourself, Emily. It might not hurt you but it'll definitely hurt me, so bad." She told me, looking as if she was on the verge of breaking down. I couldn't help but stare at her, knowing she was my best friend but she had no idea what was going on inside my sick head. I felt glad that she didn't know what I was thinking of though because I'm sure she would've started to cry.

"I'm okay, Zo." I told her in a whisper as I glanced over at my eldest brother and Callum talking. Despite the small age gap, they were getting along quite well actually. I watched as Callum got up and walked over to us, smiling.

"Zo, we have to head off. Aunt Gemma wants us back home." He said and Zoe sighed, standing up, but not before giving me a concerned glance. I just gave her a half smile and waved them off as they walked back towards where Luke was sitting -near the entrance- his phone pressed to his ear as lips pressed into a thin line.

I watched as Callum and Zoe left the park but I stayed sat on the swing. Luke got up and sent me a quick glance before holding his hand up, mouthing that he was going somewhere to do something for five minutes.

I nodded and he left the park, rambling into the phone. I rolled my eyes and took my time looking around the park. It wasn't the one where I was stabbed by Jake, it was a nicer one. It had a lot more new equipment and the swing set wasn't as rusty. The slide wasn't broken and the seesaw hadn't become detached. There was a roundabout and a basketball court and that was it. However, overall it looked like a family friendly park.

I looked over at a big willow tree and decided to walk over to it. It only took a minute or so, seeing as it was only about twenty feet away from where I was. Once I had reached it, I ducked under the low, hanging leaves, surprised to find carvings in the wood.

I had a look around the tree, finding love letters, crumpled up drawings and other types of objects but what I didn't expect to come across was a diary or journal type of leather book. I stared at it for a moment, depending on whether to read it or leave it but I soon found myself sitting down on the tall, itchy grass.

Looking over the front and back cover of the book, it seemed to be torn at some places and there seemed to be tear stains all over the front cover. I examined it a bit more, finding the smallest hidden meanings without any words being written. I could tell that the person who had written in the journal went through something terrible and probably tore edges of the book in anger and sadness. There was a name, scrawled in swirly writing on the front and the letters read: Layla Matthews.

I drew in a deep breath before I flipped the book open to the first page, seeing that it was a diary entry. There was a picture in the corner of a teenage boy, seeming to be only a year older than me. I took a glance to the side of the picture and it had an arrow pointing away from it with a quote, saying "My head says 'who cares?' but then my heart whispers 'you do, stupid'".

I swallowed hard as I looked down at the long paragraph entry below the picture and caption and I skimmed the lovely handwriting, only a few specific words catching my attention, as they were bold and highlighted. I drew in a deep breath, knowing that I'd have to read it to feed my curiosity.

Dear Diary,

I love him. I love him so much that I can't imagine my life without him even though he does not notice me. Although we don't talk, he makes my day brighter just by seeing him in the hallways at school. My friends say that it's just a silly crush and I'll soon get over it but I can never seem to stop thinking about him. His face always seems to float around my mind like a presence that can be felt but not seen, almost like he is a ghost. It's like I'm addicted to him. I am confused by my own feelings, I dislike him for not noticing me but I love him so much. I love his smile, his voice, his personality, his kindness. I love everything about him...

But he's my brother's best friend... He wouldn't love me back because that would be betraying and destroying a friendship, right?

What if he knew what went on at home? Would he still be friends with my brother? I don't know but what I do know is that I can't keep on loving him. I have to stop, somehow...

I felt sorry and confused for the girl. I was confused with what she meant by 'going on at home'. I mean, that could mean anything. She could be abused, she could be abandoned. Anything could happen.

I brought my attention back to the picture of the boy, hearing the faint calls of my name. I started to stand up but when I discovered the blurry features of the teenage boy, I felt my knees weaken and my heart pounded in my chest.

It couldn't be him, could it?


I am so sorry you guys had to wait so long but again I'm struggling for ideas but I thought this would be a great twist ;)

Who do you guys think the guy in the photo is?

I know I've been so so late with updating but 'll try and get another update out soon for you lovely people. Bye bye for now xx

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