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JasonVoorhees: Hey um guys? I'd like to add someone to our group chat, he's a close friend of mine and I was hoping if it would be okay with you guys?

GhostFace: Oooo is it Leatherface?!?

TheShape: Oh god, please don't tell me you are inviting Chucky....

JasonVoorhees: No and No. You guys have met him, but he seems to be the loner out of all the slashers, so take it easy with him, okay Michael? And GhostFace, try not to be yourself, that'll scare him off.

GhostFace: Okay....😞

*TheNightmare has entered the chat*

TheShape: Wo, you invited Freddy, really Jason?

JasonVoorhees: Michael, can you stop being salty for once in your murderous life?

GhostFace: Oh my god, it's my baby Freddy!! How long has it been? Missed that burnt face a lot 😗

TheNightmare: Hi...

JasonVoorhees: Hey Freddy, welcome to the group chat! How's it going?

TheShape: Ugh, just kill me already 🙄🙄

JasonVoorhees: Michael can you just stop being Michael for a bit? Give the guy a break. And you do remember you can't die right?

TheNightmare: Not bad actually, been doing the same old, drinking some beers and killing some teens in their dreams. Life has been pretty decent.

TheShape: No shit Jason, considering my sister just fucking woke up and stabbed me in the neck with my own knife, you think I would be texting right now? And come on, you love old feisty Michael.

GhostFace: I know I love me some feisty Mikey 😏 And Jesus, you're sister seriously stabbed you! What a neck stabbing bitch! But seriously, what did you expect her to do, wake up and give you a big hug and smooch after, what 15 years 😂😂

TheNightmare: GhostFace is fucking savage.

TheShape: Okay.. maybe you have a point there.. but still, she stabbed me! Wasn't the family reunion I was expecting 😢 Now, I have to go hunt her down again, so bye guys, wish me luck 😣

*TheShape left the chat*

GhostFace: Bye babycakes, good luck ✊🏻

JasonVoorhees: Good luck Mike, watch out for Loomis. He's officially on the hunt with the police looking for ya. Kick some ass.

TheNightmare: Peace 🖕🏻

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