Chapter 1 -Back

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Things to know for this chap:

y/n: your name

l/n: your last name

n/n: your nickname

I let out a sigh, stepping into the new place I had to call home.. Though I didn't want to call it home. I couldn't call it home. My parents moved a lot, so what was the point? I helped my parents carry the boxes inside, taking mine into my new room. 'Temporary.' I thought bitterly as I placed some boxes on the wooden floor. "N/n!" I heard my dad call. I hated that nickname. "Coming!" I yelled, stepping out of the room, and walking over to my parents in a sea of boxes in the living room.

"We're going out to get some food. You can continue unpacking ok?" My dad said. I nodded and with that, they were gone. It wasn't anything new to me, I've been alone in houses multiple times. I looked around the house a bit, just wandering aimlessly. "Hm.. Guess I should start unpacking.." I said aloud, my voice echoing as though I were in a cave, making me jump slightly.

I stepped into my room and immediately opened a certain box. It was filled with old memories. Some from when I lived here.. I picked up a small picture. I was smiling in it and was with my friends. It was obvious we had all been crying.. It was the day I had to leave. The thought of it made me filled with sorrow, but continued to look through it. Every so years I was older and had a new set of friends in the pictures. The friend group became smaller as well. What was the point of even making friends if I was just gonna leave them anyway?

After a few minutes, I couldn't take it anymore, and slid the box under my bed. Instead of getting all depressed, I started to unpack. But of course, no sane 12 year old does that without getting bored or tired, so I took a short nap. And by the time I woke up, my parents were home. With delicious foods.

I didn't even realize how hungry I was till I smelled the chinese food. (sorry if you don't like chinese food, but i love that stuff) I ran out the room to the kitchen, making my parents chuckle slightly at my reaction. "Hungry n/n?" Dad asked, taking out the food and putting it on the counter. "Yes! You guys got chinese food too??" I quickly made my way to the counter and my mother looked at me sternly. "Make sure to eat enough, school starts tomorrow. Show them how strong you can be!" Mom told me. 'Ugh, way to remind me of hell.. My old friends might not even remember me.' I thought, then started to eat. I chewed slowly though, too busy to think than eat.

After eating and getting ready for bed, I pulled the box out from under my bed again.. 'What if you all don't remember me? What if I am weak compared to everyone else? What if they find me weird? What if... I get comfy, then have to move again?' So many thoughts and worries swirled in my head, that my hands started to shake on the box. "Y/n! What are you still doing up? Go to bed or you wont be able to wake up early tomorrow." Mom said from the doorway, making me jump slightly. I didn't even notice her.. "Yeah, yeah.. I know." I sighed, pushing the box back under the bed and getting under the covers. "Goodnight then y/n." She smiled, "Night" I smiled back slightly as she turned the light off and closed the door. 'Tch. Like id be able to get any sleep tonight.' I thought, staring up at the boring, old celling.

Sorry that this first chapter is so short, but I'll try to make the next one longer. Also, for when I will be updating, im not sure. I'll try update this as recently as I can - H.M.

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