Chapter 3 -Not How I Remember

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Things to know for this chap:

y/n: your name

The next day I caught myself staring at Kody and his friend walking into school, wondering what I missed. Calla hadn't exactly caught me up, so I still didn't know what was going on. 'Maybe I'll ask Calla about it later today.' I thought to myself as I trotted over to my locker and collected my things.

Suddenly a pink haired guy walked over to me, looking anxious. "H-Hey, my names Elijah. I have never seen you before, I figured you were new, but I saw you kept staring at Kody walking in. Do you know him?" Elijah asked. "Y/n. Im not exactly new, I used to go to this school." I told him, "I didn't mean to really stare, was it that obvious? I know Kody from when I used to be here.. We used to be friends. Why?"

"Well... I used to be friends with Kody too.. We aren't exactly on good terms anymore though.. I was wondering that if maybe you two are friends you could help me.." Elijah said, almost unsure about what he had just told me. "Uhh.. Well I haven't talked to Kody yet.. But I guess? He seems different this year though." I said, the last part coming out without me even thinking. "Different? Kody has always been like this. Or at least since I've known him." Elijah said, sounding a little confused, especially after seeing my shocked expression.

Before I could even ask any questions as to why, the bell rang. 'Of course..' I thought and let out a sigh. I walked into class, which I actually happened to have Kody in. Now obviously talking to Kody during class isn't an option, but passing notes is. So I pulled out a piece of paper, folded it into a card, and started writing a small letter. It read: 'Dear Kody, I don't know if you remember me, but we used to be friends before I moved away. I've asked about you and apparently you've changed quite a bit. I also noticed Calla.. bullying you?? Im confused as to what's happened. Everyone seems to be avoiding you, except for that weredog. Do you wanna talk about it? :)'

I secretly passed the note over to him, which he took hesitantly. He gave me a puzzled look before looking at the letter. Im not even sure if he read the whole thing, but he glared at me before yeeting it from his desk into the trash can. 'Whaaat??!' I thought, clearly shook. Throughout class I kept glancing at him to see if he would even apologize for doing that to my letter. He didn't. Why did I think he would? He only looked out the window, till the teacher called and asked him to read.

I looked at him expecting him to do so, but he kept his mouth shut and the teacher warned him about his grades dropping. The class roared with laughter and Kody sat in silence, taunting him by saying things like: "Teacher that guy doesn't know how to speak!"

"I'll read." I raised my hand, making the class murmur quietly about me. "Okay y/n, you will read the next five sentences." Ms. Green said (idk her name, so yea). I only nodded and began to read, feeling eyes on me, which gave me anxiety.

The rest of the day passed slowly, but I quickly noticed Kody being isolated. So at the end of the day, I raced to him and his friend, passing Elijah. I locked eyes with Kody and he looked shook to the core. Clearly I wasn't expected, but he stopped with his friend.

I made it to them, out of breath with my hands on my knees. When I finally caught my breath I looked up to a glaring Kody. "Tch. I should be making that face. What's happen to you??" I asked, almost sounding like a scolding mother. "None of your business." Kody said, then started to walk away, his friend following with an unsure look. "Walk all you want, I'll follow you all the way home. Im sure Aiden will be delighted to see me." I said walking next to Kody. "Um.. Im Lumine.. Who are you? How do you know Kody?" Lumine suddenly said.

"Y/n. I am.. well I guess was Kody's friend." I said looking at Kody, giving him the look, then looking back at Lumine. "So.. Are you Kody's friend?" I ask, "Y-Yeah.." Lumine said shyly.

When we make it to Kody's, he slams the door in my face. 'Rude..' I thought to myself, then let myself in and followed Kody and Lumine to Kody's room, like the persistent person I am. Of course I greeted Aiden on the way ;) "What makes you think you two can follow me into my room?" Kody said coldly. "Hey! I just want an explanation. An apology too.." I mumble the last part, but I could tell by his cold stare that he heard me. "Just leave, you aren't getting either one." Kody said, turning around to do his homework.

"W-Well if you wont speak with me.. Then can you speak with Elijah?" My words made him freeze, but I continued. "He came up to me today, asking for help.. You guys were friends. Guess he doesn't like the terms you're on." I finished. "I don't wanna speak with him." Kody said, making me sigh. 'He's so stubborn now..' I thought to myself.

I spent my time after school at his house, trying to communicate, but it was mainly me and Lumine doing so. Though Kody was cold, I will admit, I was sad to leave. I wished I could have stayed longer. Yet the next day, I wished I didn't waste my time just talking with Lumine because he didn't know of Kody's past. And I definitely wish I noticed that as I was talking to Kody in front of school, Calla was glaring, making a face full of hatred. A face I hadn't seen before. I face I didn't ever want to see. One I wish I never had to see...

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