7: Secrets Revealed

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It was the morning after everyone was reunited. It felt like life was back to normal. Jay was following Nya around as she tried to clean, Kai and Lloyd were playing video games very competitively, Cole was just sitting at the table, Sensei Wu was ignoring the chaos, and Zane was washing the dishes. As much as Cole made fun of him for it, he really thought Zane looked adorable when he wore that stupid pink apron. He just didn't care what everyone else thought, and Cole admired him for it.

Cole smiled as he watched Zane busily going about his work. He normally wouldn't pay so much attention to it, but Zane's eyes would light up whenever he was excited or pleased. And that's not figurative, as in the would literally light up. His smile was subtle but perfect and real. The way his face would turn a light blue whenever he was embarrassed or nervous would make Cole's soul feel like it was being crushed by cuteness.

It was like there was nothing someone could say about Zane that would make him not love the Ice Ninja.

All too soon, Zane had to leave. He finished up his work and hung up his apron.

He announced, "I am going out to buy some more groceries. I have made a list of basic things, but is there any special requests I should add?"

"I want more candy!" He heard Lloyd yell from the other room.

"I second that!" Kai yelled.

"Okay. Not that." Zane said, knowing full well that Lloyd would just end up sick again if he added to his candy stash.

"We need more shampoo and conditioner!" Nya yelled from the bathroom she was cleaning aka making Jay clean.

"Alright." He said, writing that on his list.

"I need more wire!" Jay yelled, poking his head out of the bathroom.

"Twenty gauges and copper correct?" Zane asked.

"Yeah!" Jay yelled.

"Cole you haven't requested anything. Do you need anything?" Zane asked.

Cole sat up out of his daydream.

"Naw I'm good." He said.

"Alright," Zane said unsurely.

He then headed out, leaving the others alone.

Jay had been waiting for this. It was time he told the others the truth about what he saw when he was fixing Zane. He didn't want to talk about it behind Zane's back, but the others needed to know. He summoned up his courage and placed his supplies down. He then spoke up.

"You guys," He yelled into all of the rooms, "There's something I need to talk to you about."

"Right now?" Kai said, angrily pausing his game.

"Yes, right now right now!" Jay said, "Let's go somewhere else though, where we can all be in private."

Everyone grumpily left their tasks and met up in the bridge. Except Cole wasn't grumpy, he wasn't doing much, to begin with. They all sat down in a circle, not that excited to hear whatever crazy proclamation Jay had decided was important. Sensei Wu was tired and wanted to go back to sleep. He had woken up for this so it had better be good.

"So what do you need to tell us so important?" Nya said, bored.

"It's about Zane," Jay said.

Everyone immediately sat upright in their chairs. If it was about Zane then it was probably actually important and not Jay talking about how the sky is falling.

"Tell us," Cole said, getting serious.

"Okay, but please everyone keep calm. This may be a hard conversation for some of us. It personally hits really close to home for me. I just want us all to not freak out and flip a table or something." Jay said, looking specifically at Kai and Cole.

"Okay. But I'm not making any promises." Kai said raising his hands.

"Just tell us what you need to tell us, Jay." Sensei Wu encouraged him.

Jay took a deep breath to calm his nerves.

"It's Zane. He-he's..." Jay went quiet before mumbling, "Been cutting himself."

"Say that again Jay? I couldn't hear you." Cole asked.

"He'sbeencuttinghimself," Jay said quickly.

"Huh?" Basically, everyone said.

Jay clenched his fists and closed his eyes.

"ZANE'S BEEN CUTTING HIMSELF!" He yelled in a voice full of anguish.

Everyone let out a gasp. It was like you could feel the room immediately drop in moral.

"How long have you known?" Lloyd solemnly asked.

"Since I repaired him a few days ago. I asked him about it yesterday and he confirmed it."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Kai said, clearly very upset.

"I didn't want to hurt his feelings. I know how I would feel if you found out I was cutting myself." Jay slapped his hand over his mouth.

Everyone stared at him.

"Jay, why didn't you tell me?" Nya said, her eyes watering.

"I didn't want you to worry..." Jay quietly said, "And mine are pretty old. I've been clean for over a year now. It's Zane you should be worried about. His are new. Very new. And they aren't small either."

"Well, what should we do? Should we try to talk to him about it?" Kai asked.

"I'm not sure, but... There's something else. Something a lot worse." Jay said.

"What is it, Jay? We all must know." Sensei Wu said.

"Okay, but it's really bad, so if you don't want to hear it you should probably leave," Jay warned.

"We'll be fine." Nya said, "But you need to tell us so we can make sure he's fine."

"When he was captured I think they did something really bad, and he doesn't understand what happened. He's really scared because he doesn't know what really happened to him. I tried to piece together what he said he could remember before he was knocked out and it's a lot worse than I thought."

"Ahh just tell us, Jay!" Kai said, starting to get annoyed at Jay's resilience to tell them what was going on.

"He pretty much said that, " Jay took a deep breath, "They touched him in ba-bad places ba-basically."


Everybody froze up and their jaws dropped. They all didn't say anything. There was nothing to say. Except...

"Why?" Cole said quietly.

"Why?" Jay asked.

"WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!?" Cole yelled, thrusting himself to his feet and easily punching the table in the middle of the room in half.

"Cole! Calm down!" Kai said, also jumping to his feet to try and stop the Earth Master from doing something stupid.

"WHY WOULD HE HURT HIMSELF!? WHY WOULD HE DO SOMETHING SO STUPID?! WHY WOULD THEY HURT HIM LIKE THAT!? WHY DO THEY GET AWAY WITH IT!?" Cole yelled, his eyes filling with tears and his mouth with unbridled rage, "WHY!? Why! Why..."

He then broke down into tears. Jay hugged him, and everyone else joined in.

"Cole..." Jay placed a hand on his shoulder.

Suddenly, everyone heard a door open.

"Everyone, I'm back!"

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