12: Movie Night

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Cole and Zane left the store with a bag in Zane's hands and a kitten in a carrier in Cole's hands. The kitten was somehow still asleep, and Cole made sure to keep the carrier steady as to not wake her. She looked so cute cuddled up with her plushy. Even Zane took a liking to her instantly. As they walked, there was something Zane seriously had to ask.

"Cole, why would you name the cat Mango?"

"Well, she's a yellowy orange so I thought 'What's yellow and orange? Oh right, a mango!'"

"Yes but that is an animal, not a fruit," Zane said, pointing to the kitten.

"Zane, you don't have to name your pets what they are. You can name them whatever you want. I chose her name because it reminded me of her. Sweet, orange, and yellow."

"Oh." Zane said, "I assumed names were chosen to reflect what they were."

"Zane, is that why you named your falcon Falcon?" Cole asked, trying to hide his desire to laugh.

"Yes," Zane replied seriously.

Cole couldn't help but laugh. He loved how clueless Zane was sometimes.

"What is so funny?" Zane asked.

"Nothing," Cole said, calming himself down.

They walked out of the mall and got into the Ultra Sonic Rader. Cole clearly did not want to part with the kitten, so Zane drove them back to the Bounty. They stepped into Cole's room, setting the bag and kitten on the bed. He placed the bowl by the door and filled it with food. He got another bowl that no one used from the kitchen and filled it with water.

As Cole opened the cage slowly, the kitten woke up from its nap. She looked scared and didn't walk out. Cole looked sad, but Zane knew what to do. Zane put a little bit of food in Cole's hand and then positioned it near the front of the cage. The kitten cautiously walked out and nibbled on the food. When she finished, Cole scratched her under her neck and she purred happily. Cole let out a squeal, and the kitten looked up at him. Zane tried to hold in his laughter at the adorable sound Cole had let out. Cole picked up the kitten and cradled her in his arms.

He walked out of his room, followed by Zane, and sat on the couch. He placed a blanket over his legs and laid the kitten on his lap. Zane sat down next to him. He noticed Cole was cold, so he turned up his body heat and sat next to him. The kitten looked at the Nindroid curiously. Then she walked into his lap. As she felt how warm he was, she rubbed her head against him and kneaded the blanket a little. She walked in a circle and laid down on his lap, purring all the while.

Cole smiled happily at his boyfriend saying, "I think she likes you."

Zane smiled too as he stroked her back.

"I think so too."

Suddenly Zane realized something.

"Wait, we never asked if we could buy a cat!"

Cole's eyes widened.


They looked at each other as they freaked out.

Cole stood up saying, "At least none of us are allergic to cats?! Right, Zane?! RIGHT!?"

Zane checked his memory bank.

"No, no one is allergic."

Cole let out a sigh.

"How are we going to explain this to everyone?"

Zane shrugged and said, "It's your cat. You explain it."

"But I don't know how to!"

"That's your problem," Zane said.

Cole sat back down and said, "Do you want to watch a movie?"

Zane said, "Sure. What movie should we watch?"

"Have you seen Lord of the Bracelets yet?"

Zane shook his head saying, "No. Should I?"

"Do you even know what LOTB is?" Cole asked.

Zane shook his head again. Cole freaked out.


Zane said no.

"Okay I know what we're doing tonight," Cole said.

He got up again and went to the kitchen.

From the kitchen, he yelled, "Do you want some popcorn, Zane?! Or a soda?!"

"Sure!" Zane yelled back.

After a few minutes, Cole came back with two bowls of popcorn and two Cactus Coolers. Cole loaded the DVD into the player and sat back down on the couch, excited to watch the movie he loved so much. They sat with their heads on each other's shoulders, the cat on the both of their laps. Eventually, everyone else came back home. They had gotten stuck in traffic and arrived later than expected. It was already ten when they got home. As they walked into the living room, they were greeted to the sight of Cole and Zane asleep on each other's shoulders with a kitten also asleep on their laps and LORB playing on the T.V.

Nya turned off the T.V, pulled another blanket over their backs, and turned the light off for them. They slept like that all night.

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