17: The End Is Nigh

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Cole slowly looked up. His vision was blurred by his tears, but he could see something. He could see two shining blue lights looking down at him. He wiped his eyes with his sleeve. What he saw was Zane, his face smiling slightly down at him. Cole freaked out and pulled himself away. He was filled with joy as he saw the Nindroid awake. Zane slowly tried to stand, but tears filled his eyes as he let out a yelp of pain. He had almost lost his leg, so it was incredibly understandable. Cole raced to his side to steady him. He could not walk on his leg, but the other one seemed to be in decent condition. Cole picked up an iron bar that fell from the door when he ripped it off and gave it to Zane so he could use it as a crutch. 

He picked up the keys that he had thrown aside. After trying a few of them, he managed to unlock the handcuffs that held Zane. Now there was only one issue. With Zane severely injured, how were they supposed to escape? There was no way they could try to sneak out. They were sitting ducks. Suddenly, they heard the doorknob rattle. They went quiet, but the doorknob continued to shake violently. They huddled together against the wall. Zane covered his face with the hand that wasn't holding the makeshift crutch as Cole shielded him with his arms defensively. They prepared for the worst as the door opened.

They felt a huge wave of relief as they saw Nya standing in the doorway. She was standing with Lloyd, Kai, and Jay behind her. She motioned for them to follow her. Instead of having Zane try to walk with his makeshift crutch, Cole just swept him off his feet and ran after the others. They ran upstairs and made a beeline out of the building. They ran outside to see the Bounty parked very close outside. They all charged up the loading ramp and climbed aboard. Nya ran to the Bridge and forced the ship up into the skies. Cole could see a very angry Garmadon in the distance, standing atop of the building.

"Soo, where are we going Nya?" Jay asked, soon following her into the Bridge.

Everyone else soon followed behind him.

"I'm not sure." She said truthfully, "We need to go somewhere far away. Somewhere that Garmadon can't find us. Do you know anywhere like that Sensei?"

Wu closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. 

"I do know of a place," Wu said, "We must go to the Dark Islands."

"Dark Islands?" Everyone asked simultaneously.

"Yes, the Dark Islands," Wu said, "Long ago, Ninjago was one place. Half held the darkness, and half held the light. There is no darkness without light. Even in Ninjago, there must be a balance. An evil known as the Overlord arose from the darkness. He threatened the first Spinjitzu Master's reign. In an act of desperation, the First Spinjitzu Master split Ninjago into two parts: Ninjago and the Dark Islands. Now the Overlord has managed to escape the Islands and has entered my brother. Together, I fear they may be unstoppable. However, the prophecy does not lie. The Green Ninja will defeat him, and light will shine down upon Ninjago again." 

Everyone nodded in agreement and Nya listened to Sensei's instruction as he guided them to the island. After a few days of travel, they arrived at the Dark Islands. They landed and stepped off of the ship. As everyone else walked off, Zane suddenly collapsed. Everyone rushed to his aid. Cole picked him up and carried him into Zane's bedroom. He laid Zane down on his bed and pulled his Gi away so Jay could work on him. Jay walked in with his toolbox, prepared to fix up his friend for the second time in two weeks. Cole refused to leave the room and said that he would help Jay. Cole grabbed Zane's hand and squeezed it tight. Mango also came in and sat right by Zane's head, purring incessantly. Jay took one look at Zane's mangled body and knew what he needed. 

"Okay Cole, you're gonna need to write this down."

Cole grabbed a nearby pen and paper and prepared himself.

"Okay. I need twenty gauge copper wire, three pieces of iron sheeting, five inches of red, blue and white wire, a box of nuts and screws, two medium sized gears, and a can of oil. Oh and two new hinges."

Cole just sorta stared at Jay confused. Jay stood up and sighed.

"Ugh. You just stay here and I'll go get it."

Cole waited a few minutes, still grasping Zane's cold metal hands. Jay came back and over a two hour period had Zane back to tip-top shape. Unluckily, Jay did not yet have the parts he needed to repair Zane's leg entirely. Instead, Jay made him a crutch from some spare pieces he had laying around. In the meantime, He tightly bound Zane's leg in thick bandages in order to keep the pieces he could fix together. Everyone got together to explore the Islands they did not know. Cole worked to find food and hunt, Kai checked the jungles with Jay to see if they could find any natives, Nya worked on the Bounty in preparations for the final battle, Lloyd was learning some new battle tactics from Sensei Wu, and Zane was left alone to read nearby.

As they stretched, Lloyd asked Wu, "Uncle, must I fight my father?"

Wu replied, "Yes. I am sorry nephew, but you must fight your father. Destiny is not something that can be messed with."

Lloyd nervously asked, "But what if I'm not ready to face my father? What if... I'm not the Green Ninja?"

Wu stopped stretching. Lloyd soon followed. Wu gently laid a hand upon his nephew's shoulder.

"I know that you may be scared to face your father, Nephew. But you must believe in yourself. We are all here for you and are ready to protect you at all costs. The Green Ninja is brave and far more powerful than you think."

Cole soon came back to camp along with Jay and Kai. Cole had a sling of squirrels along his back. Jay and Kai looked upset. 

"There is no one else on this Island except for us," Kai said.

"Well, I found us some food," Cole said happily.

"Why don't you cook for us tonight Zane?" Nya asked.

"I would love to. But I will need some help. I'm not exactly in the best condition." Zane said, looking down at his leg.

Cole quickly raised his hand. 

"I'll help!" Cole said.

As they all sat down to eat, Sensei Wu started to talk.

"There is one final thing we must do to prepare for this final battle."

Everyone stopped eating, intrigued.

"We must find the Temple of Light."

"Temple of Light?" Lloyd asked.

"The Temple of Light is a place hidden on this very island. It is said to contain the powers of the original Spinjitzu Masters. If we can find this Temple, we may be able to get your powers back." 

Everyone got very excited about this. Getting their powers back gave them hope to fight back. If they had their powers back, they may be able to defeat Garmadon.  

"How do we find this place?" Kai asked.

Wu pulled out a small medallion with three holes in it. He handed it to Jay.

"If you can find the mountains on this island that line up with the holes in this medallion, the Temple of Light is said to be located there." 

Everyone nodded and began their hike through the island. 

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