A morning in the life of Cyrus

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Cyrus P.O.V

Cyrus opened his eyes. He felt cool not hot or cold, just soft. He was curled up in his bed his head on his pillow. Nothing was wrong in the world. Nothing at all, but that wasn't right. Something bad had happened. Cyrus turned his head and saw his laundry basket on the floor a white long-sleeved shirt stuck out from it. Oh, Cyrus thought remembering what had happened. He let out a sigh. Cyrus rolled over and trying to go back to sleep.

Someone walked up to his door and opened it. His mom he knew it because of the footsteps. "Cyrus, honey you up?" she asked ever so sweetly "mmauallllg" Cyrus sounded. He was awake enough to maybe actually form words but in like five minutes. "I'll take that as a yes. Please get dressed, I have an early appointment and your dad is out running some errands, so you'll have to make your own breakfast sorry dear." She said flicking on the lights, "Cyrus why did you sleep in a hoodie? You know those strings can choke you in your sleep." She inquired with concern in her voice. "To tired. Explain later. Love you." Cyrus chocked out. She kissed his forehead. "Love you too. Now get up!" she flung his blankets off him "and have a great day sweetie." At that she left the room leaving the door open.

Cyrus rolled over and picked up his phone. He scrolled through social media a bit and played temple run before getting out of bed. Before getting to far he connected his phone to the blue tooth speakers in his house. He pressed shuffle play on Morning Motivation which Spotify had suggested. He brushed his teeth combed his hair and went downstairs and ate some Greek yogurt and granola. His mind started to wonder to thoughts of what could've happened yesterday.

Cyrus stood waiting outside the school. A smile on his face, the anticipation of the day and the amazing costume idea flooding his thoughts making him so happy. "Muffin!" Cyrus turned to see a smiling T. J dressed in board shorts, flip flops, a lose four finger tank top, and sun glasses topping it all off. "Teej!" Cyrus said, they grabbed hands and bro hugged. Then T. J grabbed Cyrus around the waist and shook him a little. "T. J!" He laughed. "You're a salt shaker remember?" T. J put Cyrus down as Cyrus nodded his head and laughed. Then T. J leaned down and softly kissed Cyrus on the lips.

No, Cyrus thought, that's ridiculous it would never happen. "Ding" a notification interrupted his breakfast and music. A text from Andi.

Andi: Hi

Andi: I wanted to ask u about costume day

Andi: Why were you going to back out of my costume

Andi: Without even telling me??

Andi, one of Cyrus's best friends. Cyrus loved Andi but she could be over dramatic sometimes. Right now wasn't one of those times though.

Cyrus: I'm really sorry.

Cyrus: I thought there would be a good time, but it was all kind of a whirlwind

Cyrus: And then Buffy said she had a solution and would handle it.

Cyrus: I really liked TJ's idea and I wanted to do it

Cyrus: He said he couldn't have done it without me

Now he had explained.

Andi: I couldn't have done Mount Rushmore without you either!

Why couldn't Andi understand that it was personal to us? Cyrus could and would chose to spend time with other people rather then her sometimes. Oh, that's what TJ probably thought.

Cyrus: But this was personal to us

Cyrus: Anyone could step in to be Mount Rushmore

Cyrus: Like Marty

Andi: Okay. I see what you mean.

Andi: That morning was just so awful. I worked really hard on the costume!

Cyrus: And it was! And it worked out in the end anyway.

Andi: Why did TJ do a costume with Kira??? I didn't even know they were friends.

Cyrus: I don't know. I haven't talked to him.

Cyrus hadn't talked to him. How could he? TJ had apologized but he also said it was better if they didn't talk.

Andi: Oh.

Andi: I'm sorry. I guess you had an awful morning, too.

Cyrus: Yeah. The worst.

Andi: Soooo glad we might have a big picture in the yearbook to remind us of our awful morning!


Cyrus: I can barely talk it's so early but thanks for talking this out with me.

Andi: Anytime!

Maybe Andi did get it. He shouldn't have gotten upset with her, even if he hadn't said anything out loud. Besides Andi always had problems he just had to wait till he told her. 

Cyrus put his dishes in the dish washer. He went back to his room and crossed out March 2nd on his calendar and did some homework. "What's the difference between an electron and a neutron? An electron has a negative charge like Kira and a neutron has no charge like yours truly." Cyrus wondered out loud. "This isn't going to work." He got dressed. A nice tripe shirt with some jeans. He grabbed his air pods and put on his glasses. 

A walk. A nice long walk would help him clear his head. He went downstairs and put on his shoes and pressed play on one of his play lists. Devil Town by Cave town started to play as he walked out the door. Going on walks always made him feel better. He just let his feet carry him way to ware ever they would take him.

Hi! I like doing plot's and thoughts. I'm just going to do like 2 more TJ past things- plots. Then I'll do an actual Tyrus thing  then I'll do some more thoughts. Also I keep changing my spelling of T. J and I'm sorry. Please comment some corrective criticism. I am struggling with the title of the thing over all so if you have another idea comment that too.

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