Two out looks

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Cyrus P.O.V

Cyrus woke up to the peaceful sound of rain hitting the roof of the car. It was calm and warm. Cyrus sat up a little and saw T.j curled up under some blankets, his head rested on a pillow. His hair was very messy but Cyrus thought it was cute. He grabbed some napkins left over from dinner the night before and wiped T.j's mouth and pillow, he drooled a lot. T.j didn't wake up because he was a heavy sleeper and Cyrus got dressed and found some instant coffee. He made two cups of it and cleaned up a bit. Cyrus sat down and looked out at the beautiful landscape in the morning rain.

"Coffee?" Cyrus looked down at T.j and as he opened his eye's. "Yeah my dude." T.j sat up and Cyrus handed him a styrofoam cup and they sat there staring at the calm world. T.j started to talk a little about college. It was scary, he was going out of state. He hadn't decided ware just not in state. He wanted to see some ware new kind of get a start over. "Do you remember when we first met? My biggest problem was getting a muffin. Well at least it was that day." Cyrus recalled that day. "I was so hungry. I wanted a treat, and the perfect muffin was right there. The line was there to. A line of hungry pre-tweens who wanted something that belonged to me." Cyrus told the story passionately while T.j laughed. 

"I was so pissed." T.j recalled, "I needed Buffy to tutor me so badly. I was with myself frustrated because I couldn't read numbers. Then there you were. A little dork in need of a muffin." T.j patted Cyrus's shoulder. "I will never get over Buffy's face when you said 'Don't tell him what he can do'." Cyrus sighed. "Twas a simpler time." T.j laughed, "yeah sure." 

"What?" Cyrus asked.

"Fighting with my parents, failing math, my misogyny. That was one of the most difficult times in my life. Like ever. Besides that's when I was with he who shall not be named."

"Didn't know you had a thing for Voldemort." T.j rolled his eye's. "Yeah, ha  ha you know what I mean." Cyrus laughed, "yeah I do. That time was only kind of rough for me. Compared to what it is now. All my parents are cool with me being gay but so many other people in my family aren't. Now we got College, graduation, our last summer, other things."

"A chance to re-create who we are. Make new stories, make a family. To build a home."

"Funny I always thought I was the positive one in this relationship."

"So did I but you've been slacking." T.j sat his drinking down in a cup holder and Cyrus put his in a trash bad. Then T.j yelled a battle cry and started to tickle Cyrus. "T.j no!" Cyrus yelled as he tried to get away from his boyfriend. "Stop it!"

"No!" Cyrus closed his eye's tightly while trying to fight off his boyfriend who was so intent on tickling him. Cyrus finally managed to grab T.j's hands and scoot over to the other side of the van. "Don't come any closer!" Cyrus warned. "Or what?" T.j asked, "or I will tickle you!" Cyrus threatened. "I'll risk it." T.j dived towards Cyrus, grabbing him by the pants and sitting up enough to grab Cyrus's sides. T.j's phone rang and he stopped tickling Cyrus and answered it. "Hey, dad. Every things fine. No we're not having any trouble. I don't know do you think we did?" 

"T.j get back in bed!"

"Shut up Cyrus."

"T.j before I get cold."

"Cyrus be quite. No that's not a yes!"

"T.j just hang up. Get back here with me you know you want too." T.j blushed a light pink and Cyrus felt proud. "Yeah, okay bye."  T.j hung up. "What was that about?"

"Revenge! Remember that time we were at Andi's and my mom called?" T.j laughed, "that was months ago I can't believe you haven't let that go." Cyrus smiled slyly. "I can hold a grudge." 

"I can hold you." T.j opened his arms, offering Cyrus a few more moments of tranquility before they went home. Cyrus crawled into T.j's arms. The boys looked out the window of the car. The rain lightly blurred the view but it was beautiful none the less. 

It was one of those moments when you know a book has been closed and another one is starting to be written. 

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