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With my eight years of life experience or six years of teenage experience, there wasn't one point where men or women have ever interested me. I never had the want or time to insert myself in a situation as messy as a relationship, and I am currently still content with that mindset.

Maybe my creator possibly forgot to add the concept of attraction to my working parts, but nevertheless, I was living just fine without it.

Being attracted to someone and finding someone attractive are very much two different things. I have found numerous people attractive in my lifetime, hence, how I am aware of the beauty that person may possess. Now, having a desire for that person, which subsequently comes after the result of deeming that particular person attractive, never comes to me. I acknowledge their notable facial features, and move on about my day.

My best friend Grayson Dolan is an prime example. There is no question that he has flawless, distinctive qualities from head to toe, but there is no magnetism there drawing me to be involved with him romantically or sexually. Of course, this thought process is valid, due to our long reigning title as best friends. I have known him since he was eating boogers straight from his nose as a child, so not wanting to fuck him was an easy choice. We had an mutual understanding that our friendship would never go that route, especially if I was involved.

"Emma, Nick really wants you to hangout with him tomorrow night." Grayson brought up to me for the thousandth time.

I turned my body away towards the television and pretended I didn't hear him. He proceeded to hit me in the head with a pillow, catching on to my purposeful ignorance, "Grayson? When have you ever seen me go out with a guy or talk about wanting to go out with a guy?"

The idiot raised his eyes to the ceiling to make as if he actually had to think about my question, "Never, but mayb-"

"Exactly, so drop the nonsense," I say interrupting him after he correctly answered my rhetorical question, "Tell that asshole I personally said no, so he knows you at least tried."

He rolled his eyes at the smirk I had on my face for already winning the premature argument and groaned, "Emma, I am really starting to think you like pussy and just don't know it yet."

"Not true, but that's a good excuse to tell Nick so you can hurt his feelings a little less when you break the news to him." I joke unfazed about his normal assertions commonly made about me. Grayson along with multiple people at school have constantly brought up the idea that I must be attracted to women since I have not dated one boy in our town. This rumor does not affect me at all, because looking at it from my perspective, it is just obnoxious people always wanting an answer to something they particularly find out of the ordinary. Sadly, my best friend can be one of those pernicious people at times. I blame it on the people we are forced to be around for twelve years of our lives.

"Emma, you make my life so hard." He groaned while slumping in his chair, "If you weren't so pretty my friends wouldn't use me to get to you."

"Like I've said numerous times before, Grayson, I'm your only real friend, besides your asshole of a brother, and they aren't worth the so called stress you voluntarily place over your conscience."

"- it is always nice to know you think I am pretty though." I wink at him and try focusing back on our show before he tries to interrupt again.

"It is really a burden in disguise, you being not ugly and all," I frown at his distasteful way of wording his thoughts, "The girls I go out with think you and I are secretly fucking, and my friends think I am the one keeping you from going out with them."

I laugh out out loud at his words, "Sounds like you're really going through a lot, Gray."

"It's ridiculous, honestly, why would I fuck you of all people, you're like a sister to me, and I have seen you dig in your ass on multiple occasions." He says while literally gagging in his chair from just the thought of it.

"Grayson, I do not do that!" I yell and throw a pillow straight at his perfectly styled hair.

He put up his hands in surrender and tucks the pillow I threw under his chin, "-anymore"

"Say one more word, and I swear I will whoop your ass." I sat up and glared in his direction before relaxing back on the sofa.

"If I didn't know how much you bench pressed, I would throw your tiny ass across the room." He grunted and I rolled my eyes.

"You act like I cause you so much social anxiety, but I would have to argue that Ethan causes you way more problems."

"I don't think so, Aphrodite." He argues and laughs at himself for the name he thinks he's so clever for calling me.

My jaw drops thinking of all the ways Ethan has put Grayson in a bad playing field, "Really? So, all those slaps you've gotten from girls, thinking you were Ethan don't count?"

"Or when your parents found that condom literally sitting on the bar in the kitchen, and he told them it was you who left it? All of that just left your mind just then."

"Yeah that happened, but he's my brother I have no choice but to deal with him, I voluntarily let you ruin my life." He says reassuringly like he made all the sense in the world.

I immediately ran over to him and started punching him in the stomach. He flipped me over and proceeded to repeat my actions, but I managed to flip him over on his stomach and pin his arms behind his back.

"I win, you lose." I lean down and yell in his ear.

"Whatever, get the hell off of me, Thor!"

"What are you guys doing?" A voice emits into the air that didn't come from the body I was currently man handling. My head snaps up and comes into contact with Grayson's twin brother, Ethan. He was also a human specimen I found had amazing physical attributes, but I still never had the need to progress any further pass that thought.

"What does it look like Ethan? I'm getting beat up by a she-male." Grayson struggles to get those words out while trying to get me from on top of his back, "Maybe you could help me out a little?"

"No, I don't really have the time, I'm about to meet a girl somewhere." He stands there looking at us uninterested, and I smile at him. He just looks down at my lips with the same bored expression, and turns around to jog upstairs. Grayson groans watching him disappear into the second floor of the house.

"Please let go, Emma, I will do anything." Grayson murmurs with his head pushed against the carpet.

"Okay." I say jumping off of his back and sitting in my original seat, "Get your friends to stop asking me on dates, or just stop informing me all together."

"Whatever, thanks for making me look stupid in front of my brother for the hundredth time, Emma." He face palms.

"You're always welcome, Grayson, and I was just giving you another example of how Ethan is always the main reason for your so called problems." I winked at him and laughed triumphantly.

"Maybe you're right, but that's gives no explanation on why you fight like you're an wild animal."

I ignore his reasoning for why he is always losing our fights, and zone out on the television. It was quite obvious my relationship with Ethan was nowhere in the realms of the one I had with his twin brother. Ethan has probably said maybe five hundred words to me total in the eighteen years I've known him and that tells you a lot. He is not that much of a different person than Grayson, they are literally the same person inside and out, but I never get to see that side friendly side of him. We just never gravitated towards each other in any kind of way, and it just remained like that. He doesn't seem to have a lot of female friends, and the ones I do see him around I hear about the amazing sex they had around school a few days later.

Our lack of basic human interaction doesn't bother me, but he does manage to always have me looking stupid when I acknowledge him and he acts as if he saw nothing. I'd like to think I had an alright personality, but I guess not according to Mr. Ethan Dolan.

Ethan and I would be a great platonic duo, seeing as he has much more sense than Grayson does at times.

But I am not one to beg.

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