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Every day of our lives and for the rest of them, we suppose happenings. It is how we form expectations for future situations and is how we make ourselves comfortable or sate our curiosity. If we did not expect things we would not have anything to look forward to tomorrow, the next week or far into the future.

As humans we inevitably assume wrong at times and mostly we do this mentally, but when it is verbal and physical a problem arises. We can think the wrong things about a situation causing us to go about things incorrectly, which eventually pushes us back a step in life. Taking the wrong route in a scenario because we think it will play out a certain way. But when our assumptions come true it boosts our egos, and we start handling all situations this way. Thinking because one thing went like this or has to go like that, a certain action you make will yield the same result.

And sometimes when we assume we expect too much from situations and from people. Expecting too much only leads to disappointment and discourages you in that particular moment. At most times it is not good to form these ideas in our head of people, and think that's how they are going to be in the real world. Though, this notion we've built in our head is seemingly helping us accept a situation or person, it only makes you delusional.

Assuming a person's character or a situation is way of coping for many people. They use it as an excuse when they want to get their way, or have the upper hand in the situation because they swear they know everything about them or it. When you fear a topic or person you create negative expectations in your head so you won't have to be involved in any way. Delusions.

When we think something bad can happen or won't benefit us it holds us back from more experiences. We build up a barrier around us and become cautious of anything that can lead to the negative thoughts we are having about the situation. We isolate ourselves so nothing can unfold before us and come to life. Many experiences and opportunities are missing because we judge them without taking risks and essentially just hold ourselves back.

It pleases us to know that our expectations and assumptions are working out in our favor, and we are not wrong, but reality has to eventually sets in for some people. The actuality of the situation comes forth and we have to face our feelings, whether it is because we were wrong about something or the situation or person has unwound a feeling you were suppressing and avoiding.

Having expectations are more than important at most times, because people can take advantage of your ignorance to an upcoming situation. Just don't assume to avoid, you are only hurting yourself in the situation and most likely trying to conceal something that wants to be shown. Showing interest or giving into something does not make you weak, it just means you are invested in something and you care at least a little about the situation or person.

And a little caring never hurt anybody.

I had been home alone for most of the day, and was completely bored out of my mind. Grayson had been with Elizabeth quite a lot lately, so he was never around much anymore. My twin brother not being here, also meant that his best friend, who I'd proudly corrupted, wasn't there as often either.

The last time I have had my lips on her was exactly three days ago in my bedroom. Thinking back to it, if I knew I would not be seeing her again for seventy-two hours I would've let her lips stay on mine just a little while longer, or left her small, manicured hand on the crotch of my sweats instead of teasing her.

My mind was swirling with thoughts of could haves and should haves, but what do you expect when you're dealing with the world's biggest tease. She played with my emotions, then always left me wanting more of her touch.

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