chapter nineteen

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Prime was sitting in the kitchen, watching Klaus cook breakfast and make coffee

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Prime was sitting in the kitchen, watching Klaus cook breakfast and make coffee. She looked at him with a confused expression and leaned over to Five who was sitting on the chair next to her in his pyjamas. "Am I seeing things?" she asked.

He chuckled softly in response to her question and whispered, "No, I see it too."

"Where is mom? Why are you cooking?" she asked as he hummed and swayed his hips.

"I volunteered to cook since she's cleaning. When did she come back?" Klaus turned around, holding a spatula.

Prime looked worriedly at the stove, afraid he would start a fire. She kept a watchful eye on it and said, "Pogo, restored her."

"Hey, Stubborn Five, you good?" She asked as he glanced back at her.

"Stubborn Five?"

Hey, I've made up my mind - you're officially getting a new nickname starting today," Prime said with a smirk, Five rolled his eyes. As she heard footsteps approaching, she turned to greet Luther with a grin, despite his frown.

"Oh hello, there—

Prime said but he cut me off," Can it! Prime" She chuckled as he sat on the chair next to her.

Klaus walked over with a kettle of coffee and put a cup in front of Luther," Here we go. This'll fix ya" Luther picked up the cup, but Five reached across Prime and took it from him.

Klaus laughed as he poured more cups, and Five made a face at him, muttering," Jesus, who do I gotta kill to get a decent cup of coffee?" He complained

Luther sighed, "Can we get started?"

"Anyone seen any of the others? Diego? Allison?" He said as they shook their heads," No? All right, then, this is the closest thing to a quorum—" He said tapping the spatula on the table," that we're gonna get"

"There's no easy way to say this, so I'm just gonna spit it out," He said tapping the spatula on his hand and said," Yeah" Exhaling he went silent as they stared at him

"Klaus," Prime said as he snapped up and pointed the spatula

"I conjured Dad last night"

Prime furrowed her eyebrows as she scrutinized Five and Luther" You said you haven't been able to conjure anyone in years, uh, besides Ben?" She replied, with a tone of uncertainty but an attempt at being reasonable.

"Ah, yes, I know, but I'm sober," He said proudly and Prime smiled," Ta-da! I got clean, yesterday, to talk to someone special, and then ended up having this conversation with dear old Daddy himself"

Luther sighed," Has anyone got some aspirin?" and Five added

"Top shelf, next to the crackers"

"Now wait you two— Prime said 

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