Red #5.9

11 0 0

In this section; 

Itallics = Leon Kirrel

Bold, itallics = Alice



Hi! I was just looking for someone to talk to. My name's Leon, what's yours?

Alice in Red of course~ Can you not read?

Well, yeah but that's just your username . . .

Then use it, Leon!  

Uh, okay then


Oh, right

Sure, ALICE 

Good, Leon

But typing names again and again is just really a pain in the side you know . . .? 

I'll still keep typing 'Leon', Leon

 . . .


So, this conversation was originally restricted to only 5 lines(yeah, REALLY short), but then I felt bad about being late on the update AND making it short, so I added a couple more (rather lazily too, though^^;). Again, I'm really sorry - I procrastinated and so had a lot of work to get done.; I'm sure you guys also have work/homework to get get done too, so good luck in dealing with all that unwelcome stuff^^.

I can promise that the next update will be much longer compared to this one, though^^  After this mini-series ends, I also hope to post up a prequel to Alice in Red, but don't keep your hopes up, because it won't be updated as regularly, as I haven't got past writing the second chapter just yet^^;

seeya real soon,


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