Chapter 7

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Margret stood in horror of what was in front of her face. Who ever had left this note must have known about there secret place they once keep everything valuable in. Margret didn't know what to think. Who could have left this? thought Margret. Not even the Roberts, our closets friend, knew this was here Margret did'nt know what to think. But she did know, she couldn't stay too much longer. She could'nt. WHat was left of er house was too much for her to bear, and she did'nt feel alone here. Ever since Elois died, she had never felt alone. But not in a good way. Margret felt threatened. Almost like she was being stalked.

   Margret quickly left the house, and went on. She knew a small town with kind folks who whould feed her and give her a place to stay.

       When she arived, She didn't know what to think. What used to be a small town with kind people, was now a drunk over rated town. The town still had its shape. Two long lines of house all leading down to what was once town hall. Her little town she used to go shopping every satuerday for a girls day out with her mother and sister, gone. Gone. She couldn't belive it! The old town hall was one big cassino. Every other shop, resterant, bakery, was now somekind of bar. Margret was absolutly discusted. She wanted to leave and never come back, but she had to find a lace to sleep. She went into what seemed the calmest bar.

  "Well, hello little missy." Said a tall scrawny man with a cigarett in his mouth. "An't you a little to prissy to be roaming around these parts?"

"My name is Margret. And I would like a place to stay."

"Aye" He crocked "So ye be lok'n fo a place to stay hm?"

"Yes sir." Said Margret as politly as she could. Her father never smoked, and neither did Christen, so she wasnt used to all the dry air, and the awful smell.

"Well this ain't no hotel little missy! " he said very rudely. "Why don't you just LEAVE!"

Margret could not take his disrespectfulness any longer. She took off her glove and slaped him as hard as she could and escorted herself out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2012 ⏰

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