chapter twenty one

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The vehicle let out a loud screech as the Hargreeves siblings got out as quickly as they could

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The vehicle let out a loud screech as the Hargreeves siblings got out as quickly as they could. Klaus and Diego rushed out, carrying Prime, while Luther carried Allison alone.

Five quickly exited the drivers seat, opening the gate and yelling, "Come on! Let's go!" as the three brothers ran through.

"She's not breathing!" Luther said as the boys ran, referring to their sister, Allison.

"Neither is Prime!" Diego added, shouting over the noise of the group running together. There was no sign of life coming from Prime..

"We've got to get them to the medical ward now!" Luther shouted as they entered the Hargreeves house and made their way to the medical room.


Their mother gently placed her hand on Allison's neck, checking for a pulse.

"She's suffered a severe laceration to her larynx," she said, her expression solemn as she informed the boys.

When all the brothers spoke up, all saying they would donate, Luther tried to argue, but Pogo cut him off.

"I'm afraid that's not possible, dear boy. Your blood is more compatible with mine," was Pogo's response, making no room for further debate.

"What about Primey?" asked Klaus, looking over at her on the table next to Allison's.

"She..." Pogo began, but Klaus cut him off with a shout.

"NO!!" Kaus shouted angrily. "Don't you dare say it! She is fine!"

"Right now, we need to focus on Allison," Luther responded, trying to keep his temper in check as Diego shouted out his outrage at his brother's seemingly careless attitude towards Prime"What the fuck Luther! Are you seriously just signing off Prime?!" Diego shouted as their mother spoke up

"Right now I need blood for Allison"

"But— Primey!" Klaus repeated, unable to accept what was happening. His voice was shaky, filled with grief as he insisted his sister could not be dead.

Diego began to step forward, reluctant as he accepted the harsh reality that he might lose both of his sisters that night. He agreed to donate blood and, when his mother pulled out the needle, Diego fainted.

Hearing the commotion, Klaus ran into his room and slammed the door behind him as he began to thrash around, throwing everything he could get his hands on.

Ben looked at Klaus with concern and stepped in his path.

"What are you doing?" he asked, his tone compassionate and caring.

"Looking for drugs!" Klaus responded, his voice seething with anger as he made his intentions clear.

Ben opened his mouth to speak but Klaus cut him off harshly, "Stop!! Stop it!! I'm done listening to you! Just go away, go away, PLEASE!"

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