The Family Grows

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Not really an update for the book, but wanted to brag on my pets. 

When we first moved into the current house we live in, we had one pet - a cat named Gypsy. The Pomeranian we had went to a friend because we couldn't keep him because of the landlord. A while later, September of the next year, we gained another cat! 

Loki is what we named him, we never knew naming him after a god of chaos would be so accurate. We got him as a kitten because someone literally threw him out of their car while driving past our house. I found him in the ditch across from our house while it was raining at night because the barn cat that came with the house (Sanji, we don't have him anymore) was standing by the road screaming at me. He had a pinched nerve causing an extension in his wrist but he quickly healed and became my cat with major jealousy issues. He also became fat, so we're trying to put him on a diet.

About a year later we got another cat. He was a tiny kitten with giant ears named Little Bit (we changed it from the previous name Screamer). We took him because the family thought he was too aggressive and couldn't keep him around their tiny children. Turns out he just hated the kids because they were too little to hold him properly and often strangled him when attempting to carry him. He quickly became my brothers cat and grew to be a very large cat. We think he's part Maine Coon and he's also a polydactyl and has six toes on each paw.

During the tail end of the summer we got Little Bit, we got my German Shepherd Takara. We bought her from the same people that helped us train her.  She is very intelligent, which makes her a pain because she can open doors, and a giant fluff ball. My cat Loki is jealous of her and often antagonizes her or meows at me for attention when she's out. He doesn't have a loud meow and about half the time he tries to meow he just squeaks, kinda like a squeak toy but quieter.

Gypsy is the cat we brought with us from our previous house. She's the queen of the house and my mom's cat. Before we took her, she was a stray kitten that snuck into someone's house through the doggy door and decided to stay there. the people ran a dog grooming and boarding facility and couldn't keep her because of the dogs, so they posted her online and we took her when nobody claimed her as a pet. She doesn't enjoy playing with the other cats or my dog though she might play with my brothers cat occasionally, but she loves to sit on your shoulders while you walk around.

As of Thursday March 14th, a puppy was dumped on our property. Judging by the injuries she had, we assume she was tossed out of the vehicle but not at a high speed thankfully. We have been unable to find her a home in the time she's been with us, so her name is Willow and we decided to keep her as of Sunday March 24th. Based on the vet's estimate, she is about 3 months old. We believe she has some golden lab in her, along with some larger breed boxer. We won't know for sure until she gets older if she has any pitt in her, but she definitely has lab and boxer based on appearance and structure.

If you cannot keep a pet, find them a new home or take them to a shelter. Do not ever think that tossing them out of a vehicle at someone's house, taking them to some random location and leaving them, or killing them is something you can or should do. IT IS WRONG AND YOU CAN FACE LEGAL MEASURES FOR IT! 

Willow is a sweetheart and so love able, but even at only 3 months it is obvious she was intentionally starved and abused at whatever home she came from. If I knew who dumped her at our house, I would press charges. If I knew who threw Loki out of a moving vehicle, I would press charges. But I can't, so I will simply love these animals and make sure they have a good life without having to fear such things happening again.

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