News and Corny Poems

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News first! I'm going to be publishing a new story, one for short stories, writing exercises, and practice in short. This story will become 90% poetry with the occasional short story or practice of sorts. It'll be a while before I upload/make the new story so that I can build up some chapters to make updates easier, I'll do the same for here, but I'll update here when I create it. If you want, go check it out!  Now, onto the corny poems!

Poem One:

His gaze was like ice, 

sending shivers down her spine.

She had been so nice,

but this would be her end.

Poem Two:

Roses are red,

I am cold

Maybe you've heard,

but this poem style's old.

Poem Three:

Showers of gold, 

Baths of silver,

They'll never grow old,

They'll never wither.

These ancient things,

of beauty and grace.

The old tales sing,

Of danger and fate.

Should you seek them,

Even if only to look,

You will learn then,

All visitors are crooks.

You'll know the songs,

never did lie

You'll curse your wrongs

Seconds before you die.

Poem Four:

Simple yet elegant she did stand,

Twas with beauty and grace that she crossed the land.

To those who looked, she would smile or nod,

But those who didn't, claimed she was odd.

Little did they know, what her true purpose was,

Only that her presence caused a chattering buzz.

She knew all along never to dwell,

For shortly after leaving the whole town fell.

That's all I got for now. Bye~

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