Chapter 27

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🙌you guys seem to love Jakes perspective so here we go! 👇

Chapter 26


*Jakes POV*

The car ride when fast, and boy was the view wonderful on the way to Olivia's grandparents house. It was like I was swimming trees. They were huge they look like they have been there for hundreds of years. I have never been in this type of landscape; so secluded. We always preformed in cities on the coast, we never got to see this. And no I wish we preformed in places like this all the time.

We were driving through Custer State Park, the roads curvy; flowing with the mountains.

"What's that?" I say pointing to an animal that looked like a large cow with brown fur and horns.

"That," Olivia says, " is a buffalo, or also known as a bison. Jake I know you may want to pet it but don't!" She says while giving me an incident smile.


We drive down a long drive way, red rock and wild flowers consume the landscape.

The forest green tin of a house comes into view, and slowly the rest of a gorgeous house. The siding was a dark wood-ish brown siding. Trees make the house almost invisible; if you weren't looking for the house you wouldn't be about to find it.

The car stops and we all slowly pile out taking in the beauty of our surroundings.

We make our way to the boot of the car and grab out our luggage.

As we walk over brilliantly laid rocks that form a walk way to the front door we are meet with barking.

****Lewi's POV****

I hear barking as we approach the door. It just makes me remember how much I miss Morgan (my dog). Olivia's grandfather walks up to the door; opens it, and two dogs run out. A light brown short hair Chihuahua and another good sized but not huge black dog. The two great us with slobbering smiles.

I crouch down I'm I'm more at their height. The big one runs up to me and licks the side of my face. I can't help but smile I have missed that nasty feeling so much. I give her a few pets on the back before she runs off to see the rest of The lads.

***Danny's POV***

I walk behind Lewi and Olivia as we went thought the door. The welcoming smell of cinnamon greats my nose. We walk into a large lounge area that has several couches and chairs. It also featured a very big flat screen TV, which I'm guessing was at least a 72 in.

Next to the lounge was a dinning room. A table fit for a king placed right in the middle. The dark polished mahogany wood reflects the light from the wall of windows, that looks out into their back "yard", which was more of a forest than yard.

The kitchen is busy at work, a girl probably a year younger than me is hard at work. Several pies are laded out on the garnet countertops. The place just smells amazing.

It reminded me of home though. I miss my family, mostly my mom. I know I may sound like a mommies boy but I miss having someone to talk to, and every once in a while make me a home cooked meal. Someone who knows how do make that perfect cup of tea.

"Come on Boys," Olivia says to us. "I'll show you where you'll be sleeping."

We follow her through a short hallway. To what looks like a home office. There was two desks with several computers on each one with a lot of printers of different shapes and sizes. There was a little sitting area with two couches.

"Jake, Danny Tobias, you guys will be in here. The couches pull out into beds. You guys will either have to share a bed or one of you will have to sleep on the floor." She says and walks over to the closet and pulls out several blankets and pillows.

Lewi and Olivia start walking out of the room. "Oh and dinner will be ready in ten." She says before closing the door.

****Olivia's POV****

I leave the boys to settle down in the office "their room." And I guide a Lewi to what will be our room, the guest bedroom. We walk in and Lewi closes the door behind us. I collapse on the bed. I'm exhausted. Today has been a long day. Lewi does the same next to me.

" I'm tired," he complains. "I want to goo bed and just cuddle you." He says while grabbing my waist and pulling me to him. I can feel the warmth of his breath on the back of my neck. It sends shivers down my spine.

"I do too but I don't want to miss this meal." I said with a giggle. I role so I'm facing the opposite way which is facing him. I lean in and kiss him. He immediately kisses back.

A few short minutes later.

"If you want food come and get it now." I hear my grandma yell throughout the house.

"Oh oh food!" Jake yells.

Lewi and I make our way out to the kitchen and grab a plate.

😱wow so many POV this chapter.😱

I'm feeling in a writing mood today so there might be another chapter tonight if I'm not busy tonight. 📝

This would have been up sooner but my iPad was being a little shit and decided to delete the whole chapter. (Middle finger emoji)

But here you go I hoped you liked it!

Stay peachy, peachy butts 🍑🍑🍑🍑

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