Chapter One~ New Day, New Me

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"Well, that is the last of it, thank you so much... you know... for going along with this..." Mom said, as she put in the final suitcase into the car.

"It's fine! I'm actually excited." I say, blatant lie. I'm dying of anxiety inside, but she doesn't need that information. I should just be thankful she's doing this in the first place, that she found someone.

Someone after....him....

"Remember, we are moving this weekend, so you have to start the new school this week!" Mom exclaims. I nod. Great, new school. Which means new people, which means new classes, which means I have to give the "my name is Evan talk."


Here we go. Time to see what the new school has in store for me. I pass through and hear three girls who appear to be gossiping.

"So Madaline said' I'll only date you if you beat me at pool.' Then she lost deliberately!" The tall one exclaims, the shorter blond one says, while playing with her hair, "That's awesome!" The tall one shoots her a look. "I mean Terrible!" I slouch, please don't see me, please don't see me-

I continue walking until I bump into a tall boy with brown hair. "Oh my god I'm sorry I'm sorry Um Um sorry-!" I mumble, playing with my fingers. "Hey you okay?" The boy asks. I nod. "I'm Jeremy, Jeremy Heere."He says. He has a confident look in his eyes. 'Must be a popular kid.' I think. wait.... HEERE? No no no no no- NEW BROTHER NEW BROTHER RUN-

"I'm E-Evan... I have to go!" I say as I run to my class. Great, so far my plan of being more.... normal has failed.... Looks like Jared was right, like always.

"I wish there was a thing I could take that could teach me to fit in, like a class!" I think, but who the hell would go to a class to be normal besides me?


Lunch.... the best or worst class of the day. I look around at the cliques of people. To my far left was the theater kids who have no lives, to the far right was the cool kids (Or the  Squid Squad? Don't even ask) I continue walking, walking past the jocks table, music and art kids, and finally, the loser table. 'Just where I belong.' I think happily.

Better to be a loser then to be a Heather or... worse a murderer... 'But I am a murderer....' I push those thoughts out of my head. I didn't know the bullets could kill! If I did I never would've...

"Hi, Martha!" I say, as I take out my grilled cheese sandwich. God, I can't believe I almost left this amazing girl for the chance of being popular.

"Did you hear that the Heathers found a new girl to turn!"I hear from a short girl, with brown and purple hair as she sits with the Squid Squad.

"Wait, they found another... you?" Martha asks, my blood going cold.

I shiver. Just as I breathe once more I see the two Heathers walk past and Regina (In pink) following, as if she had been a Heather. I shudder, how much she reminds me... of myself. The three walk past us and giggle then sit at their table.

Everyone's eyes were on them. It's not often they have someone join, since they were the queens of the school, so everyone was whispering. They were cooler then Chloe and Brooke, the tip of the crop.

"Whose that with Heather?"

"Another Veronica?"

"Let's hope she doesn't throw away her shot!"

As if by instinct, I stood up and walked over to the Heathers table. I am SO not letting this girl screw over her life like I did. Nope.

"Uh, sorry but we have a no traitors policy." Heather Duke says, glaring.

I grab Regina's arm (In hindsight, maybe aggressive was NOT the best way to go) and whisper "We need to talk." The blond girl stands up and we walk to the bathroom, looking too threatened to not obey.

"Aren't you the ex Heather, Veronica? The one who dated JD?" Regina asks. 'Damn, Heather must have caught Regina up on the whole year.' I nod. I didn't like mentions of... him...

'I get that your jealous-" She says until I cut her off.

"I am not jealous. Being a Heather is like working for Satan! They made me humiliate my friend, and I went along with it! It's one of the worst mistakes of my life, and I'm not gonna sit around and let you repeat it." I say, determined.

"The heathers warned me that this.., mess is what I would be if I screw up." She says as she gestures to my blue shirt that I had from the heathers, and torn jeans. Then she stomps off.

"Your making a mistake." I whisper to myself. Not like she could hear me, but still...

Maybe there is another reason why I don't want this girl to be a heather, besides the fact that she is throwing away a lot of opportunities...
And honestly signing up a deal with the devil...

but the one thing I know is

My goal is to stop Regina George from becoming a heather.

The one question remaining is...


                                              Some people just don't learn


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