Chapter 11 Part 1

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I am completely oblivious. I don't know what's happening around me. Screaming cheerleaders, happy jocks, delinquents, and my friends surrounded me. I was wondering what all the chaos was about. Apparently, all the English students have been assigned the groups for the upcoming fieldtrip. The details in the form were:

A FIELDTRIP! For all the students who will graduate this year, this will be a treat from us English teachers, along with the other teachers as we head to the hills!

Location: Summer Valley Camping Site (Near a forest)

Time to arrive at school: 6:00 a.m. sharp

Time of departure: 6:30 a.m.

Date: 2nd July 2014 until 5th July 2014 (3 days)

Remember to bring all your required items for the trip, including toothpaste, caps, sun blocks, etc.

Remember to bring sleeping bags.

I walk up to the notice board as soon as it cleared. I jump to joy as I see that I have been grouped with Maria and another girl. I was so scared that I would've been grouped with Amanda or her minions. But I'm so glad that I'm in one tent with Maria. So, as it is already clear, I'm extremely excited for this trip. It's been so long since I have gone for a camping trip, because dad has been so busy lately. I think I'm talking too much. I stood in place with Maria and Brian behind me, who are equally as happy as I am with the news.

"I'm really excited for this trip. Even though when we come back we have to do an essay and all, but still we enjoy a bit." Maria said as she came and hugged me from my back. Apparently, Maria and Brian are not a couple. They just want to be friends. They feel that they're too different from each other. In the past few days, they've gotten quite close and comfy with each other.

"Yeah, me too!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, not being able to control the excitement building up in my stomach. Oh wait, that wasn't excitement, it was a growl. Not too loud I hope.

"Woahh, what was that?" James asked me as he walked down the hallways emerging from God knows where. Seriously, people are getting so weird day-by-day.

"Shut up." I tried to hide my embarrassment. Finally, the bell rang. It was the beginning of lunch. I quickly sprinted to the canteen causing a lot of people to get annoyed due to the constant times I ran into them.


Today was the second of July, which means that it was FIELDTRIP DAY. You know those times when you feel like you've wanted something for so long and you're finally getting it? Yeah today's the time I feel so happy. I quickly checked my things once again. Something's missing. And I know exactly what it is. I walked to my dress-up table and took my sunglasses from the drawer. I looked into the mirror checking my outfit once again to make sure that I looked okay. I was wearing my favorite black shorts with a pink t-shirt that had a smiley face on it. On top of all this, I opened my hair, and applied very little make-up.

"Honey, hurry up, it's 5:40 a.m. and you're still not ready. You know that you have to reach at 6:00, so hurry up!" Mom yelled from downstairs causing me to jump and quickly reach downstairs.

I brought my red backpack that had all my things. It was slightly heavy, but didn't stop me from carrying it with all my strength. I quickly walked to the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar, drank some milk, and brought a juice box in case of thirst. I brought a thermos bottle of water so it would be cold for a few hours. Just as I was about to leave, I head to the living room to see my dad already awake, and my mom standing with a newspaper in her hand.

"Bye honey, I'm surely going to miss you." My dad said as he hugged me and whispered, "Don't do any funny business dear." I chuckle slightly causing his tense features to relax. I think he was serious.

"Remember call me if you need anything. There's a phone in your bag----" My mom kept speaking on and on, and I saw that the clock was already 5:50. "Are you listening Sienn?"

"Yes mom, and I want you to stop worrying and enjoy your three days without me. I will miss you both." I gesture to my mom and dad who look like they're about to cry.

"Okay let's drop you outside." Dad said as we walked to the doorway, once again they hugged me and said their Bye's.

"This is going to be so amazing!" I exclaimed as I entered my ride to school. Maria rolled down her window.

"Hop in, the fun is about to begin girl." Maria screamed. I rolled my eyes and chuckled slightly, causing her to glare at me.

Just before I enter the car, I hear the door at the house opposite of mine opening. I see Cameron getting out of his house after hugging his mother and kissing her on the cheek. He gets into his car not seeing me. And I get in Maria's car where Maria was now looking at Cameron and me carefully, who drove off before we could. I get in the car, and see that it's almost 6:00.


Upon reaching school, Maria and me looked around the school to see that everyone who were joining the fieldtrip were already ready in their comfy clothes and caps which they already wore from now, inside a school where there was air conditioner. I roll my eyes at this.

I notice how happy the atmosphere was and even the teachers were chatting and laughing. The bell rang at 6:30 sharp and we all got ready as we entered the bus heading to our destination.

It was approximately 2 hours later, until we saw the huge sign written 'Summer Valley Camping Site'. We got assigned to our respective tents and we went to keep our things.

I heard that there were some fun things in store for us. Well let's see what they've got.

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