Life of Hatred

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"Life is too short for hatred" many people say but those very people hate. 

Either way, people are hypocrites and their words of 'advise' are usually bullshit so don't pay attention to them. Society is filled with liars, liars who either lie for their own benefit or to pull down people like you. 

The words said would never hurt you if you don't let it matter. They could even throw an ocean of insults at you but it won't matter if you don't let yourself sink (I know it doesn't really make sense but bear with me).

anyways enough of this mushy stuff

So you don't have to tell me why you hate yourself so much but I'm going to guess, don't worry you don't have to tell me if I was correct or not. (And if you want someone to talk to, feel free to message me on the app.)

Reasons why you might hate your life:

1. Toxic household

You know how they say 'charity starts at home'? Well, other things start from there as well. The moment you stop calling the house you live in home and consider your parents on the other side, you consider your household as one that is no longer yours. 

Maybe it is abuse? Maybe it is neglect on your parents' part? Or maybe it is their insensitive taunting and teasing. Either way, these things may affect how you see yourself, making you only see the morbid sides of things.

Now, ask yourself, is this okay for you? Can you hold on for just a little while longer? Don't come at me saying that I'm giving thumbs up to running from home- I'm not. I am simply telling you to ask yourself, can you live in these conditions for a little while longer?

2. Toxic friends, toxic school

Friends, fake friends, enemies, rivalries, bullies, teachers, lovers (unless you're single). There are many types of people at school but the only relevant ones here are stated above. Although not many of them are toxic, some really are.

Sometimes you have friends who insult you, and although you could say, "They didn't know better," did they? Besides, why are you defending someone who's affecting your mental health? It might be hard but I want you to reflect (if it brings back too many harsh memories, don't because you already know the answer). Now answer, not for me but for yourself, are they toxic? Are they worth keeping around? Should you cut them off?

On top of the crisis with friends, there must also be homework, a lot and a lot of homework. Sometimes, you might not be able to finish them all, overwhelmed by the amount but don't blame yourself for it. Don't blame your teacher either (unless you want to cause I have a feeling you have a mean teacher). 

Try to complete it, make an effort. You could complete it really quickly if you simply pretend that it's little. Besides, you could also make a playlist if that helps and sooner or later, that pile of homework would be completed. 

Then, we have bullies, I don't think I need to elaborate how these kind of people could affect your mental health. If your life is a book, they will be the ultimate villain and no, the book will not be an enemies to lovers book because to be honest that would be disgusting. 

3. Something else

There could always be another reason and I'm not going to pretend that I understand because hey, I'm just some wannabe writer, publishing a book about self love on wattpad. Whatever it is, just know that sometimes life gets hard and you need someone to blame, just to justify the mistakes. 

Whether you are the blamer or the blamed, keep in mind that there are rough patches in life and you can't expect anyone or anything to be perfect. Don't be too hard on yourself or to others. Be nice, try to express your feelings, draw, write, sing, punch (punching bags are preferable, please no violence.).

With lots of love,


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