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Family background
I know, I know sometimes you wish that your ancestors were some filthy rich people back in the old days but their not.
Or, you're teased for your uniqueness that some may kill to have.
For instance, I have small eyes and black straight hair. I want big round eyes and blonde curly hair but I can't.

Family diseases
Some illnesses like diabetes, cancer and heart attack is by family. You might not like it but it's true. It's not some nightmare. It's like a Monday morning you know?

We discussed about this in the first one but we're gonna be more exact this time. Your family might not be the most wealthiest one but they still had something right? As an example, what are you reading this with? Doesn't that cost a fortune?

Be honest we me, have you ever wished you were someone else's daughter or son? Have you wished it?
Then, have you ever thought about how you'd be if you were. You won't be the same person you are today. You might even look different considering that you were brought to this world differently.

No one in this whole world hasn't fought with their mother unless they haven't met her. Everyone has. No matter how close you are to her you must, at one point wish she never exists.
Now, look at your mirror and picture her out of your life. You wouldn't be that girl staring back at you through that very mirror.

Yes, he's really over-protecting sometimes. You feel like all he says is a big fat no. But you're proved wrong.
What did he say when you wanted to buy you're phone? What about the time when he paid your school fees.
Has he ever say that he has no money straight at you? No, never. He keeps it silent and hands you the money.

My opinion
Think okay? Have you ever, ever in your whole life seen people fighting for their late relatives possession, their money? It's a yes isn't it?
Now, have you ever seen siblings fight to take care of their parents? Have you? You might've seen it but it's rare.

All you need to remember is that other than loving yourself, you have to share your love with the ones who love you.

Stay tuned:)

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